Hills / Masseys Garage - George Street |
William Francis Hill (Billy) in 1921 was living at no.2 Chapmangate and was described as a car proprietor and assessor of Income Tax. He had a shop on the corner of Chapmangate and George Street (the present day Chemists), where he sold Bicycles, and called his shop a Cycle Emporium.
In 1926, he operated a bus service on a licence to York on a direct route,
on Market Days. His bus service, just like dozens more of the period had a nickname, his was "The Flying Bedstead". The bus service suffered competition from Everinghams, so he decided on starting a garage in George Street which lasted there until 1947, when after a sale, it became Masseys Garage. In the 1960's it was demolished, and a supermarket was built. |
A remnant of the Garage can be seen in the wall detail
of the house brickwork |
Billy Hill's Cycle Emporium on the Corner of
Chapmangate and George Street |
Later it became Masseys Garage
Thanks to Denis Moor for this photograph |
If you wish to add to the story of Billy Hill, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.
(Thanks to Ian Gibbs for some of the information on this page.)