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> Two Short Talks
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> Old Shops part 2
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  20th Feb 2025 - Crime & Punishment

> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Mar 2025 - Use of Mapping

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

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epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

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Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

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People and Places Thumb Old Pock

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PDLHG Newsletters
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#2 Dec 2020
#3 May 2021

1828-29 Pigot's Directory
NB: This information is sourced from an actual directory.


Is a small market town and parish, in the Wilton-Beacon division of Harthill wapentake, east riding, 195 miles from London, 26 from Hull, 17 from Driffield, 13 from York, and seven from Market Weighton; situated on a small stream falling into the Derwent, and within a mile of a canal communicating with that river. It consists principally of two small streets, running nearly parallel with each other, between which is the church, a large plain building, dedicated to All Saints, the living of which is a vicarage, in the patronage of the Dean of York, and incumbency of the Rev. Charles Wolffe Eyre; the resident curate is the Rev. Thomas Brown. The methodists have three places of worship, and the Roman Catholics a chapel. This town boasts a free school, nobly endowed by a landed revenue of nearly £1400. per annum: the' number of scholars is unlimited; there is besides a national school. Robert Denison, Esq. of Kilnwick Percy (a handsome seat in this neighbourhood), is lord of the manor, and holds a court leet once a year. The inhabitants here are chiefly concerned in agriculture, from which, together with the market and fairs, they draw their principal subsistence. The country around is tolerably fertile, flat in the immediate vicinity of the town, but hilly at a distance of a few miles, affording pleasing scenery. The market, which is well supplied with corn and other marketable commodities, is held on Saturday; the fairs are the 7th of March, 7th May, 6th August, and 8th November, for cattle; the day after the last named fair is a hiring for servants; and there are races on the second of May annually. The entire parish contained, in 1821, 2,163 inhabitants, of which number 1,962 were of the township.

POST OFFICE, New Pavement, Matthew Jackson, Post Master.—Letters fur London and the North are despatched every afternoon at three and six, and arrive at nine at night.—Letters for Beverley, Hull and Market Weighton are despatched at eight io the morning and six in the afternoon, and arrive at twenty minutes before four in the afternoon and nine at night.—Letters for Edinburgh and and North of York are despatched at three in the afternoon.—Letters for York are despatched at three and six in the afternoon, and arrive at twenty minutes before nine in the morning and nine at night.


Abel John, gent. Chapel st
Brown Rev. Thomas, Chapel st
Catton Mrs. E. New Pavement
Clarkson George, gent. Chapel st
Cook William, gent. West green
Dennison Robt. esq. Kilnwick Percy
Dennison Robt. esq. Elvington hall
Dewsbury Mrs. Mary, Union st
Elliot Samuel, gent. Silver st
Harrison Jonathan, gent. Chapel st
Hebeson Hugh, gent. Chapel st
Hesser Thomas, gent. West green
Hudson Mrs. Ann, near Gt.George st
Johnson Thos. gent. Gt. George st
Jones Rev. David,Teresa lodge
Linton Thos. gent. Great George st
Loftus —, gent. Chapel st
Loftus Geo. gent. Great George st
Loftus John, gent. Great George st
Loftus Thos. gent. Great George st
Maxwell William Constable, esq. Everingharu hall
Overend Major Chumley, Fangfoss Hall
Ridley Rev.—, Kirby-under-Dale
Seymour Capt. Wm. Yellow house
Shield Rev. Thomas, West green
Singleton John, esq. Givendale
Stalliard John, gent. Chapel st
Vavisor Sir Henry, Melbourn hall
Ward John, gent. Great George st
Weddall Mrs. Union street
Wharton Gen.Jas. Rose-moor lodge
Wilkinson Mrs. Ruth, Silver st
Wood Sir Francis L. Garraby


Free Grammar School, West green—Rev. Thos. Shield, master
Hudson John (day) Chapel st
Jones Rev. David (boarding and day) Teresa lodge
La Plain John (dayj Chapel st
Macalplne Elizabeth (dancing) New Pavement
Macalpine John (day) New Pavement
National School, West green— John Banks, master; Sarah Banks, mistress
Wright Ann (boarding & day) Garden House
Wrightson Ann (boarding and day) Yellow house


Holmes Nathaniel, Chapel st
Powell James & Henry, Regent st


Lowe John Nathan, Regent st
Scaife Thomas, Great George St


Easton John, Church lane
James William, Back lane
Myers Emanuel, Great George st
Richardson John, Back lane
Stathers William, Dean's lane


Abbey Thomas, Market place
Easton John (& printer) Market pl
Jackson Robert, Broad st


Dunn Robert, Swine market
Easton John, Union st
Marshall Thomas, Market place
Martindale John, New Pavement
Moody Henry, Marshall's buildings
Pexton George, New Pavement
Richardson John, Union st
Richardson Robt. Brass Castle hill
Rispin George, Regent st
Rispin John, jun. Swine market
Thompson John, New Pavement
Todd Robert, Chapel st
Wright William, Broad st


Barnby Richard, Broad st
Graves Thomas, Market place


Grant Thomas, Swine market
Hibbotson John, Grape lane
Richardson William, Chapel st
Ward Stephen, Broad st


Harland Thomas, Chapel st
Jackson John, Market place and SHIPTON
Jackson Thomas, Market place and SHIPTON
Randerson Samuel, New Pavement
Silburn John, Swine market
Staveley Thos. Brass Castle island
Stilburn John, Market place and BISHOP WILTON
Thomas John, Church lane
Todd John, Church lane
Walker George, Waterloo lane


Marked thus * are Joiners only.

*Collinson David, Great George st
*Hall Richard, Black Swan lane
Hardy David, Silver st
Judson Robert, Regent st
Ward John (& chair) Chapel st


Bell Richard, Church lane
Botterill William, Broad st
Bulmer John, Market place
Hornby Thomas, Church Lane


Nicholson Jno.(& chalr mkr) Silver st.
Stockton Robert, Broad st
Tindale James, Broad st
Tindale William, Back lane


Dunn Richard, London st
English Richard, Market place
Hodge Thomas, Ousethorp
Marshall William, Grimthorp
Overend Tim. Devonshire Mill
Peart James, West green
Pickering Harry, Yapham
Scaife John, Clock Mills


Hudson John, Union st
Snowdon Chr. (leather cutter only) Broad St.
Wright Thomas. Union St.


Thomas Robert, Silver st
Thompson John, New Pavement


Fife Thomas, Broad st
Pickering Harry, Chapel st
Smith George, Broad st


Foster John, Union st
Murgatroyd John, Union st
Ramley William. Chapel st


Hall John, Broad st
Hall William, Broad st


Catton John, Broad street
Hagyard Thomas, Market place
Powell William, Broad st
Richardson Ann, Broad st
Stocks Charles, Market place
Wright Thomas, Swine market


Dales Christopher, Broad st
Hodgson Henry, Swine market
Rispin James, Broad st


Bay Horse, Wm. Leuty, Peter's ct
Black Bull, Wm. Johnson, Broad st
Black Swan, Robt. Hyde, Broad st
Buck, Ralph Johnson, Broad st
Cross Keys, Ts. Grant, Swine markt
Dog & Duck, George Pexton New Pavement
Feathers Inn (posting & commercial & excise-office) Francis Fallowfield, Market place
Grapes Inn (& posting) Geo. Hall, Barmby moor
New Inn (& posting) Tim. Overend near Canal head
Red Lion, Ts. Stateley, Regent st
Royal Oak, Thomas Swainston, Great George street
Star, John Thompson, Market pl
Three Horse Shoes, Thos. Wilson, Swine market
Tiger, Thos. Jennings, Chapel st
White Swan,Gregory Benson, West green


Abbey Thomas, Market place
Barnby Richd. (& hatter) Broad st
Jackson Robt. (&hatter) Broad st


Holtby David, Chapel street
Stables Seth, Chapel street


Johnson John, Broad st
Scaife Thomas, Great George st
Scaife Wm. (painter) Church lane


Gilbertson Thomas, Broad st
Linwood John, Market place


Bellerby William, Great George st
Briggs Mary, Market place
Dales George, Cotton hill
Galtry Thomas, Swine market
Loftus John, Broad st
Nichols Wm. (and china, glass and earthenware) Broad st
Rispin James, Broad st
Smith Daniel, Bishop hill
Stadders James, Chapel st
Stathers James, Market place
Telford Elizabeth, Swine market
Telford James, Market place
Thomas Robert. Silver st
Thompson William, Broad street


Marked thus * are also Seedsmen.

English Richd. Brass Castle island
* Gardam John, Peter's court
* Gardam William, Union st
Johnson Ralph, Broad st


Bell John, Broad street
Bell Richard, Chapel street
Danson Edward, Chapel st
Hornby Thomas, Church lane
Lawson —, London street
Marshall Wm. Marshall's buildings


Bowes John (and draper) Union st
Craggs Thomas, Cotton hill
Powell William, Broad st
Scaife James (and woollen draper, fire office agent and sub-distributer of stamps) Broad st
Shaw John, West green
Stubbs William, Marketplace
Ward Robert, Union st
Wright Thomas, Market place


Wilson Thomas K. Union tt


Fryer John (& jeweller) Waterloo buildings
Hunter Richd. New pavement
Milner Reuben, Broad st


Bradley Frs. (& gig mkr) Deans lane
Robinson Richard, Deans lane
Stubbs Henry, Chapel street
Stubbs Richard, Chapel st
Winter Wm. Great George st


Askham James, woolstapler, Chapel st
Bagley Geo. chief constable, Chapel st
Blanchard Thomas, fellmonger, leather dresser and glover, Chapel street
Collinson Ellisha, brewer & maltster. Gt. George street
Cook James, straw hat aad patten maker, Waterloo Buildings
Gardam Mary, rope & twine mkr, Union st
Gilbertson Ths. eating hse, Marshall's bldgs
Hudson Henry, tea dealer, Market place
Jackson Matthew, tallow chandler, New pavement
Judson Mary, milliner and dress maker, Regent St
Marshall John, confectioner. Broad st
Noble James, portrait painter, Market pl.
Pape Henry, corn factor, cheesemonger and seedsman. Swine market
Richardson Wm. stone mason, Regent st
Tindall Hannah, straw hat makr, Broad st
Whitfield Ann, baker, Broad st


To HULL, the Union (from York) calls at the Black Bull, every afternoon (Sundays excepted) at half part four; goes through Market Wei*bton.
To YORK, the Union (from Hull) calls at the Black Bull, every morning (Sundays excepted) at tea.


To BISHOP WILTON, Ralph Kirby, from the Three Horse Shoes, erery Wednesday & Saturday—and John Shields, from the Star, every Saturday morning.
To BRIDLINGTON, Woodhouse & Co from the Black Swan, every Saturday morning goes through Driffield.
To FANGFOSS, Robert Gray, from the Three Horse Shoes, every Saturday
To HUGGET, John Ward & John Dickinson, from the Three Horse Shoes, every Saturday.
To HULL, Robert Manners. from his house, every Monday and Thursday .
To MARKET WEIGHTON, John Cockburn & Robert Holmes, from the Buck, every Saturday.
To MELBURN, James Thompson, from the Cross Keys, every Saturday.
To MILLINGTON, Wm. Purden from the Black Bull, every Saturday.
To SEATON, George Rook, from the Black Bull, every Saturday.
To YORK, Woodhouse & Co. from the Black Swan, every Thursday—Mary Giles, from West green, every Wednesday & Saturday—Robert Manners, from his house, every Saturday and Jas. Thompson, from George-street, every Thursday and Saturday nights


To HULL, the Union Packet, from River head, sails occasionally.