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Ousethorpe Camp 1908
From: The Howdenshire Chronicle and Pocklington Weekly News
Saturday, June 13, 1908.

(Photographs from the private collection of Andrew Sefton)
East Riding Yeomanry in Camp at Ousethorpe

Ousethorpe CampThe four squadrons forming the East Riding of Yorkshire Yeomanry rode into camp at Ousethorpe, Pocklington, on Saturday. Their first taste of life in the open was by no means cheering. A low temperature and bitterly cold northerly wind made the gallant troopers look blue indeed as they arrived at their canvas village after a long, cold ride. There was one merit in the weather. The men had to hustle, if only to keep themselves warm, and very speedily they had got through the preliminary work of setting their house in order.

The camp is pleasantly situated in a large field belonging to Mr. Hardy, farmer, Ousethorpe. In the immediate background the wolds begin to rise, and about a mile and a half to the south is the town of Pocklington, a community which feels highly honoured at the presence of troops in training in the neighborhood.

1908 Camp (2)The site of the camp is very central, a circumstance which made it possible for all the squadrons to reach it by march route. The Hull squadron and the Bridlington troop had the longest ride, but they were not the last to reach the camp, having set out in good time in the morning. Shortly after four o'clock in the afternoon the last squadron had arrived. This was C Squadron from York and district, comprising the York, Fulford, and Wheldrake troops. Major Guy St. Maur Palmes was in command of the squadron, and the other officers who rode with it were Lieutenant P. G. Cadman, York troupe; Lieutenant Sandys, Wheldrake troop.
Colonel J.B. Stracey-Clitherow, commanding the regiment, drove over from Hotham Hall, and arrived in camp about five o'clock on Saturday afternoon.
A number of the men who were unable to get away on Saturday rode into the camp on Sunday from various parts of the East Riding and joined their squadrons. The arrival of the various troops and squadrons was watched with interest by many people, and men and horses made a very smart appearance as they cantered on to camping ground. Beyond looking after their horses and getting their tents in order the troopers had an "off" evening on Saturday, and the real work of training commenced on Monday morning.

patrington yeomanry

East Riding Yeomanry at Patrington
Postmarked Pocklington 22 May 1906.
Are they going to an earlier camp at Ousethorpe?

On Sunday morning divine service was held in the Camp Field, and was attended by a large concourse of civilians as well as by the yeomen, who marched in Squadrons to the meeting place. The service opened with the hymn:-

Oh, God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home.

camp 04

The accompaniment to the hymns was rendered by the Regimental Band, under the conductor ship of Bandmaster Auty, in a most praiseworthy manner.
The officiating clergymen (Rev. W. Gladwyn Batty, rector of North Cave) conducted the service and at this stage read a portion of scripture from the 2nd chapter of the Acts of Apostles.The scripture reading was followed by the singing of the hymn:-

Onward, Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before,
Christ the Royal Master,
Leads against the foe,
Forward into battle,
See his banners go.

camp 03The rev. gentleman gave a bright short address in which he said that day was Whit Sunday, which carried their thoughts back 1900 years into that upper room in Jerusalem where they were waiting for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. He wanted to ask a very direct question whether it was a real gift that they and he could have today? He was there to tell them absolutely that it is a real gift, as real can be. He could not see the wind but he could see the trees and corn stalks bow before it. They could see the effect of the wind although they could not see the wind itself. Heaven and earth shall pass away but His word shall never pass away. After the great gift of Pentecost, he saw those timid men absolutely changed, going forth in one little band to convert the world. There are other and more personal reasons that we have at times felt the power of God, and when they have any difficult problems to solve they always benefited by appealing to the Lord Jesus Christ. Did they want the gift of the Holy Spirit? That all depended on what their in life was, and he was there to tell them that their aim in life should be to bear witness to the truth. Great victories are won by people who live absolutely Christian lives, and he wanted every one to be amongst that number.

A very neat and effective service was brought to a close by singing the hymn:-

Through the night of doubt and sorrow,
Onward goes the pilgrim band,
Singing songs of expectation,
Marching to the promised land.

On Sunday afternoon the Regimental band played a choice selection of music at intervals. Nothing but praise was bestowed upon bandmaster Fredk. Auty, of Abergavenny, South Wales (late of Bradford), and his fellow-bandsmen who came from Halifax, Bradford, Huddersfield, Hull &c. The following was the programme :-

March - Die' Kaiser Brigade
Overture - Mirella
Gavote Les Cloches De St. Malo
Selection - The Mikado
Cornet Solo - The Star of Bethlehem
Valse - The Choristers
Selection - The Orchid
March - Washington Grays

ERYeomanryThe men connected with the East Riding of Yorkshire Yeomanry Regiment are experiencing very fine weather, and the training is proceeding as satisfactorily as possible. Though a strong wind has been blowing, there has been bright sunshine, and the weather is generally regarded as favourable for the work of the camp. (Photo: Beverley Archives)

The whole of the troops were out for a squadron drill on Monday morning, and a good four hours practice was put in at Millington pastures, which afford excellent facilities for diversified operations. In returning to camp about one o'clock an accident befell Trooper F. Hakeny, of the "A" (Hull) Squadron, which fortunately was not attended with serious results. The trooper's horse reared and fell upon it's rider, who was brought back to camp on the ambulance and immediately attended by the doctor. His leg was badly bruised, but fortunately no bone was broken.

Smart Fight with the Irish Lancers

An extremely instructive field day was carried out on Thursday by the East Riding Yeomanry, who are encamped at Pocklington, and the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, from York, in the presence of Lieut-General Sir Lawrence Oliphant, K.C.V.I., General Officer Commanding-in-Chief the Northern Command, and Lieut-General Baden-Powell Commanding the Northumbrian Division of the Territorial Field Force. The operations were conducted along the river Derwent, which is regarded as of great strategic value in any advance by a hostile force from the Yorkshire Coast on York. On Thursday both the Lancers who have done a lot of reconnaissance work in the district, and the Yeomen turned their local knowledge to good effect.

millington pasturesThe general idea was that a mounted force "Blue" had landed at Bridlington, and that late on Wednesday night their advance guard, represented by the East Riding Yeomanry, had received a message from the commander to advance along the line of the River Derwent, early in the morning, with the idea of asserting what the enemy, the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, were doing at York, and what was the strength of their force. As, however, the Yeomanry were only a small force, and were relying upon reinforcements reaching them from Hull by afternoon, they were not to commit themselves to a general engagement on the western, or York, side of the river.

The Yeomanry paraded about seven o'clock, provided with 30 rounds of ammunition and rations and fodder, and accompanied by a few of their cyclists and motor cyclists, together with signalers, they left the camp at 7.30. The line to be reconnoitered was some ten miles in extent, reaching from Buttercrambe to a little below Sutton, including three important bridges - Stamford, Kexby and Sutton. B squadron under Capt. Guy Wilson, D.S.O., proceeded by way of Wilton and Fangfoss to Stamford Bridge, sending one troop to Buttercrambe Bridge or Howsham Mill, with a patrol thrown out to Leppington and Beechwood House. A squadron under Major Stanley Wilson, with the maxim gun contingent proceeded to Kexby; C Squadron under Major Guy Palmes, was to advance to Newton-on-Derwent, sending two other troops to Sutton-on-Derwent. The D Squadron formed the reserve, under Capt. C.O. Hall, the officer commanding, Col. Stracey-Clitherow, and his staff taking up a position with the reserves at Fangfoss, subsequently removing to the cross roads at Wilberfoss.

The idea was to throw out patrols over the river in the event of no opposition being met with from the enemy. The Lancers had made equally careful dispositions, and had arrived along the line of the Derwent about nine o'clock, and Major Palmes' scouts reported that Sutton village was held by two troops of the enemy. He accordingly sent forward two troops to command the passage of the bridge, at the same time holding two troops in reserve on the high ground near Sutton. The first body succeeded in holding the bridge, but in the meantime a whole squadron of Lancers, under Major Browne-Clayton, had occupied the village. By half-past nine the action developed, and Major Palmes considered himself strong enough to take possession of the bridge and the village. But in doing so he brought all his led horses under the direct line of fire, and was compelled to retire and cede the bridge again to the enemy. He then took up a strong position on the ridge commanding Sutton village to the East. He had previously sent scouts in the direction of Wheldrake, and at 9-50 they reported that one squadron of the Lancers had crossed Ings Bridge at Wheldrake, and that twenty men had swum the river lower down at Cottingwith Ferry, near Thicket Priory, and were now advancing on Sutton. At half-past ten two troops of Lancers advanced from the village with the object of attacking the Yeomanry, whom they had located on the ridge. But on the road the Yeomanry who lined the hedges cleverly ambushed the Lancers and put them out of action. At half-past eleven the Lancers who had crossed lower down the river with the idea of turning the Yeomanry flank, succeeded in doing this and arrived at Sutton. In place of delivering the attack, however, they found Major Palmes in such strong position that they re-crossed the bridge at Sutton and retired in the direction of Kexby. Major Palmes then advanced and seized Sutton village and regained possession of the bridge.

In the meantime the troops sent to Stamford Bridge met only small patrols of the Lancers, whom they held in check at the bridge, while the the remainder of the squadron was withdrawn to reinforce the reserve under Colonel Stracey-Clitheroe, at Wilberfoss. The small patrol thrown out to Buttercrambe succeeded in blowing up Howsham Bridge, so as to obviate any outflanking by the Lancers from the north-west. A squadron of scouts reached Kexby Bridge by a quarter-past eight, and seized the bridge. A quarter of an hour later the main body reached the bridge, and a troop dismounted, crossed the bridge to the West side, where they encountered a small body of Lancers, whom they quickly routed. The Maxim gun was trained on the approach to the bridge, and finding Kexby to warm for them, the Lancers retired, and shortly afterwards the "cease fire" was sounded.

The Lancers main attack was intended to be delivered on Sutton Bridge, where they managed to turn the enemy's flank but found the yeoman too strong to allow them to proceed. Failing to get round they concentrated on Kexby, but Colonel Clitherow's communications were so excellent, and his scouts brought him information in such good time, that he was able to remove his reserve to his flank, and he was ready to receive the enemy when they arrived. Admirable work was done by the signaling section of the Yeomanry, one party taking position at Wilberfoss Windmill, which enabled the whole area of operations and forward messages along the line without being observed by the enemy.

At the close of the operations the officers were summoned to a conference at Kexby, where Colonel Bewicke-Copley, C.B., the umpire-in-Chief, gave his report and observations to the Generals, in effect reporting a drawn battle. General Baden-Powell expressed himself as particularly pleased with the work of the scouts and the general turn-out of the Yeomanry, and the work generally. In addition to Colonel Bewick-Copley, who directed operations, Colonel Lord Aberdare, V.D., Colonel Graham, D.S.O., 5th Lancers, Major Langdale, East Riding Yeomanry, and Major Sykes acted as umpires.
The day was free from casualties, and though the horses were rather tired with the dusty roads, the men suffered no ill effects, the weather fortunately proving cool.


Cricket match between the Elephant Battery D Squadron of the East Riding Imperial Yeomanry and Allerthorpe and district, played at Allerthorpe on Wednesday, was won by the Yeomanry. Scores: Yeomanry, 54; Southwell 16, Trooper Dixon 18. Allerthorpe and District, total 46.