Kilnwick Percy Tithes 1839
John Nottingham and Mike Silburn have again joined forces to produce a detailed map and table showing the landowners and tithes allotments as at 1839 for yet another of our local parishes, in this case Kilnwick Percy. Of the c. 1580 acres comprising the parish, some 22 acres had been allotted as glebe to the Vicar, George Alexander Cockburn, but the residue was owned by Robert Denison Esq in the period 1784-1840 (see full timeline here). Under his ownership, Denison had transformed the Hall and estate, in particular landscaping much of the land to the west of the Hall which became known as 'The Park', although several previous closes were without formal boundaries, including large open areas to the east of the parish (marked as close '[31]' on the map). The inset shows the small closes 1-9 between the Hall and Home Farm in more detail. A particular feature of the estate is that water from a small pond to the north-east of the Hall, fed by a spring, then flowed into a 4-acre fishpond near the Hall (close 11) and thence to an imposing 10-acre fishpond (close 12), alongside the Pocklington-Warter road. That in turn led under the road by a culvert to form a main drainage channel known as 'Cocoa Beck', passing through both the Kilnwick Percy and Pocklington parishes before joining with Pocklington Beck. Of the 130 closes in 1839, Robert Denison Esq occupied 31 himself (including the Hall), the remainder being tenanted by an untitled Robert Denison (it has not been possible to deduce a relationship between them), a James Beal and a James Beal Junior.
To view the map at full-scale, please click on the 'View fullscreen' link. Then zoom in and scroll around to see the parish map, the separate inset and the table of landowners and occupiers.