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Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

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epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

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PDLHG Newsletters
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Trade Directories from Melbourne
Various trade directory entries for Melbourne.

William White's 1840

Melbourne, a pleasant scattered village, in Holme Beacon Division, 5 miles S.S.W. of Pocklington, has in its township 463 inhabitants and 3085a. 3r. 36p. of land, mostly the property of Sir Henry Mervin Vavasour, (whose baronetcy was created in 1801,) and partly belonging to Gent. James Wharton; but some other families have small estates here. The baronet is lord of the manor, and resides at Melbourne Hall, a handsome mansion, in a well-wooded park, half a mile south of the village; and Ross Moor Lodge, 1 mile W. of the village, is the pleasant seat of General Wharton. The Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists have chapels here. In 1810, £40 benefaction money was laid out in building a school and adjoining tenement. The poor have also 10s. a year, left by Mr. Wood and another donor.
Storwood, or Storthwaite, township has a small village on the eastern acclivity of the vale of the Derwent, 6 miles S.W. of Pocklington, in Holme Beacon Division, and contains 119 souls and 1120 acres of land, belonging to various owners, some of whom have neat houses here.


Vavasour Sir Henry Mervin, Bart. Melbourne Hall
Wharton Genl. Jas. Ross Moor Lodge
Clark Rt. vict. & smith, Cross Keys
Coleman, gent.
Cottam George, gent. Cottage
Corner William, vict. and smith, Blacksmiths' Arms
Fairless George, wheelwright
Galtry Thomas, vict. Ross Moor
Howden Mr Henry
Moon Mrs Ann
Peacock Thomas Cole, surgeon
Rickaby Rt. Esq. Melbourne Grange
Weatherill Samuel, schoolmaster

Boot Shoe mkrs.
Bell Thomas
Dove Thomas
Camplejohn Rt.
Corner Rt.

Dove Thomas
Grant John
Hutchinson Rt.

Grasby Richard
Orgill Charles

* are yeomen
Arnitt Thomas
Baggaley Richd.
Bell William
* Brabbs Thomas
Clark George
Elliot Thomas
Frokin Robert
Gardham William
* Gibson William
Gowthorp John
Hayton William
* James Charles
* Jennings Wm.
Matthews George
Mosey Francis
Nichols George
Parnaby William
Smith Thomas
Suggitt John
Wasling Thomas
Whitfield Eliz.
* Williamson Jno.

Hardell George, shoemaker

* are yeomen

Elliot Robert
Garham John
Gowthorp Isaac
Holliday Robert
* Jennings Thos.
* Jennings Robt.
* Owston Peter
Parker William
* Webster William

Carriers & Shoprs.
John Hayton & Thos. Rhodes to York, W.&S.

Bulmer's 1892

MELBOURNE township comprises 3,133 acres; the rateable value is £2,912, and the population in 1891 was 388. The soil and subsoil are clay and sand, and the crops are the same as in the preceding township. The manor and estate, lately the property of Hugh Christie, Esq., were purchased in 1890 by Walter Cliff, Esq., Western Flatts, Wortley, for about £40,000. The other owners are Wm. Thomlinson Walker, Esq., Clifton Grove, York; the Dean and Chapter of York; Geo. Galtrey, Thixendale; John Brabbs, Melbourne ; Eobt. Gibson Sturdy, Thornton; Wm. Eobson, Beverley; and Richard Charles Bruce. There are also several small freeholders.
The village, which is large and scattered, is situated about a quarter-of-a-mile south of the Pocklington canal, six miles south-south-west of Pocklington, nine miles west of Market Weighton, and 12 miles east of York. A chapel-of-ease, a temporary structure of iron, was erected here in 1883, at a cost of £450. It will accommodate 150 persons. The resident curate-in-charge is the Rev. Chas. A. K. Irwin, B.A., of Merton College, Oxford.
The Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have chapels here ; that belonging to the former will accommodate 150, and the latter about the same number, and bears the date 1821. A School Board, consisting of five members, was formed in 1875, and a commodious school, with master's residence attached, was erected in .1877-8, at a cost of £1,400. There is accommodation for 100, and an average attendance of 41. Richard Charles Bruce is clerk to the Board.
About half-a-mile south of the village is Melbourne Hall, a handsome red brick mansion, standing in a well-wooded park. It is the property of Walter Cliff, Esq., and the residence of Captain Bernard Hamilton Gunston, late 5th Dragoon Guards. Melbourne Grange is another fine mansion, with about 14 acres of park-land, two miles west of the village. It is at present unoccupied.
Ross Moor, in this township, was formerly open common.

STORWOOD or STORTHWAITE is a township containing 1,228 acres, of which 16 are occupied by the Pocklington canal, now almost disused. The rateable value is £1,102, and the number of inhabitants in 1891 was 83. John Jeremiah Jackson Barstow, Esq., who is lord of the manor; Francis Jennings, Melbourne; Thomas Jennings, Storwood; Eobert Edward Jennings, Storwood Grange; and Francis Thomas Jennings, Storwood, are the principal landowners. There is no village; the houses are scattered over the township, which lies two-and-a-quarter miles west of Melbourne, and eight miles south-west of Pocklington. There is a Wesleyan chapel here, built in 1837 by Mr. Thomas Jennings. It will seat about 70.


Post Office, and for purchase only of Postal Orders, at George Beckett's. Letters, via Pocklington, arrive at 8-50 a.m.; despatch at 4-35 p.m. No Sunday business. Wall Box, one mile east of Post Office, is cleared at 4-10 p.m. Nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office, Pocklington (six miles).

Atkin Wm. Wilfred, vict., Blacksmiths' Arms
Barrow Stephen, tailor and grocer
Beckett George, shoemaker and postmaster
Board School (mixed) ; Henry Phillips, master
Brown Thomas, shoemaker
Bruce Richard Chas., joiner and wheelwright, asst. overseer and clerk to the School Board
Clarkson Robert, gardener
Crawford Mrs. Hannah
Dales Wm., vict. and refreshment contractor, Cross Keys Inn
Gunston Captain Bernard Hamilton (late 5th Dragoon Guards), Melbourne hall
Foster Hy., head gamekeeper, Melbourne hall
Fussey Joseph, police constable
Gorwood George, carrier to York (Wednesday, Saturday, and alternate Thursdays)
Grant James, blacksmith
Harrison Mrs. Elizabeth, Ross Moor house
Harrison John, grocer
Hodgson Miss Mary Ann, dressmaker
Howard Miss Jane, Melbourne grange
Hudson Charles, cattle dealer, Ross moor
Irwin Rev. Chas. A. K., B.A., curate-in-charge
Kidd Chas., carrier to Pocklington (Saturday)
Kidd Jno. Jas., carrier to York, Tues. and Sat.
Kidd Mrs. Mary, grocer
Parrott William, grocer
Todd Frederick, tailor
Todd Richard, shoemaker


Brabbs James Thomas, Brickyard farm
Brabbs John
Cook John (and blacksmith)
Dales William, Cross Keys Inn
Dalton James, Melbourne grange, farm bailiff to William Thomlinson Walker, Esq.
Featherstone Thomas
Harrison John, Westfield farm
Hessle Robert
Homley Thomas, The Lodge
James Thomas
Jennings Francis, Prospect house
Kirk John Frederick, (and butcher)
Ogle Charles Henry, Glebe farm
Ogle George Henry, East farm (and brick and tile manufacturer), Seaton Ross
Pulleyn Frank, Bibble farm
Simpson James, Ross Moor farm
Simpson John
Simpson John, junr.
Smith John, Violet cottage
Story Thomas, Barnfield house
Todd George, East Common farm
Towler John
Walker Richard, Park farm, bailiff to Walter Cliff, Esq.
West Stephen, Ross moor
Whitfield Thos.


Letters via Wilberfoss, York.

Anson George
Hessle Thomas, Park house
Jennings Francis Thomas (yeo.), White house
Jennings Robt. Edwin (yeo.), Storwood grange
Jennings Thomas (yeo.), Manor house
Jones John Dales, hind for John Sherbourne
Rickatson Robert, Rush Wood house
Simpson George, General lane
Tate Edward, (and temperance hotel proprietor), Hagg bridge
Thompson Matthew, Rose cottage


Kelly's 1897

MELBOURNE is a township and village near the south side of the canal, 1 mile south-west from, and in the parish of Thornton and 5 south-south-west from Pocklington, in the Wilton Beacon division of Harthill wapentake. There is an iron church here, erected in 1882, at a cost of £600, and seating 160 persons; also Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. Melbourne Hall, the ; residence of David Henry Haggie esq. J.P. is a large mansion of brick, near the village in a finely-wooded park. ; Walter Cliff esq. who is lord of the manor, the Dean and I Chapter of York and Mr. W, Thomlinson-Walker, are the chief landowners. The soil is clay and sand; subsoil, clay and sand.. The chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley, oats and seeds. The area is 3,131 acres of land and 18 of water; rateable value, £2,878 ; the population in 1891 was 388.

Post Office.—George Becket, sub-postmaster. London & other letters are received through York, via Pocklington, by foot post; arrive at 8.50 a.m.; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Everingham is the nearest money order office & Pocklington the nearest telegraph office. A School Board of 5 members was formed July 20, 1875, for Melbourne; Richard Charles Bruce, clerk to the board & attendance, officer Board School (mixed), erected in 1878 at a cost of £1,240, for 100 children; average attendance, 48 ; Chas. W. Mainwaring, master

Carriers to:

York—Geo. & Win. Gorwood & John Kidd, tues. & sat
Pocklington—George Gorwood & Charles Kidd, sat

STORWOOD is. a township on the Pocklington canal, 3½ miles west from and in the parish of Thornton and 8 south-west from Pocklington. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1837 by Mr. Thomas Jennings. The land is occupied: by various freeholders. The area is 1,1224 acres; rateable value, £992; the population in 1891 was 83.

Haggle David Hy. J.P. Melbourne hall Howard Miss
Perkins Rev. Albert John B.A.(curate)


Arminson William, butcher
Atkin William, Blacksmiths' Arms P.H
Barrow Stephen, tailor & grocer
Becket George, boot ma. Post office
Brabbs John, farmer
Bruce Richard Charles, builder & carpenter, assistant overseer & clerk & attendance officer to school board
Close George, farmer
Dales Arthur, butcher
Dales William, Cross Keys P.H
Ems Harry, farmer
Gorwood George, carrier
Grant James, blacksmith
Harrison John, farmer, Westfield
Hessel Robert, farmer
Hornley Thomas, farmer. The Lodge
Illingworth Simpson, bricklayer
James Thomas, farmer
Kidd Charles, shopkeeper & carrier
Kidd John, carrier
Leckenby William, shopkeeper
Ogle Chas. Hy. farmer, Brickyard frm
Ogle Geo. Henry, farmer, Sugar island
Parrott William, grocer & draper
Simpson James, farmer
Simpson John, farmer
Storey Thomas, farmer
Thomlinson-Walker William, farmer, Grange farm
Todd Frederick, tailor
Todd George, farmer
Towler John, farmer
Walker Frank, farmer
West Stephen, farmer

Atkinson Charles, farmer
Hessell Thomas, farmer
Howden Richard, refreshment house
Jennings Francis Thomas, farmer
Jennings Robert Edward, farmer
Ricketson Robert, farmer
Riley Thomas William, farmer
Thompson Matthew, farmer

Kelly's 1905

MELBOURNE is a township and village near the south side of the canal, 1 mile south-west from and an the parish of Thornton and 5 south-south-west from Pocklington, in the Holme Beacon division of Harthill wapentake. There is an iron church here, erected in 1882, at a cost of £600, and seating 160 persons ; also Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. Melbourne Hall is at present (1904) vacant. Walter Cliff esq. who is lord of the manor, and the Dean and Chapter of York are the chief landowners. The soil is clay and sand; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley, oats and seeds. The area is 3,131 acres of land and 18 of water; rateable value, £3,188; the population in 1901 was 356.
Post Office, Melbourne.—Mrs. Elizabeth Becket, sub-postmistress. London & other letters are received through York, via Pocklington, arrive at 8.50 a.m.; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. ; no sunday mail. Postal OrdeTS are issued k paid here. Seaton Ross is the nearest money order office & Everingham the nearest telegraph office, 4 miles distant
Wall Letter Box cleared at 4 p.m
Police Station, Fred Becket. constable
Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1878 at a cost of £1,240, for 100 children; average attendance, 54 ; Charles W. Mainwaring, master

Carriers to:

York—George Gorwood, mon. & fri. ; John Kidd, tues. & sat. & Joseph Simpson, thurs. & sat Pocklingtan—George Garwood & Anthony Kidd, sat

STORWOOD is a township on the Pocklington canal. 3½ miles west from and in the parish of Thornton and 8 south-west from Pocklington. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected by Mr. Thomas Jennings. The land is occupied by various freeholders. The area is 1,224 acres; rateable value, £1,006 ; the population in 1901 was 76.

Ellis James, Rossmoor lodge
Nicholls Michael, Primrose villa
Story Robert Gibson, The Beeches


Barrow John William, farmer
Barrow Stephen, tailor & grocer
Becket Elizh. (Mrs.),sub-postmistress
Bellars Herbert, farmer
Broadley Richard, farmer
Brown Thomas, boot maker
Bruce Richard Charles, builder & carpenter & assistant overseer
Buttle Jn. Hy. Blacksmiths' Arms
Cook John, cowkeeper
Dales Arthur, butcher
Dales William, Cross Keys P.H
Drake Joseph, farmer
Ellis Harry, farmer
Gorwood George, carrier
Grant James, blacksmith
Hall Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Harrison Ellen (Mrs.), huckster
Homley George, farmer, The Lodge
Hudson Charles, cattle dealer
James Thomas, farmer
Kidd Anthony, carrier
Kidd John, carrier
Leckenby William, shopkeeper
Ogle Chas. Hy. farmer, Brickyard frm
Ogle Geo. Henry, farmer, Sugar island
Outhwaite Frederick, farmer
Sherbourne John, farmer
Simpson James, farmer
Simpson Joseph, farmer
Thompson George, joiner & carrier
Todd Frederick, tailor
Todd George, farmer
Todd Henry, farmer
Walker John, farmer
Walker Richard, farm bailiff to Walter Cliff esq
Ward William, farmer
Wilson Albert, farmer
Wilson John Hy. farmer, Westerfield


Atkinson Charles, farmer
Hessell Thomas & William, farmers
Jennings Francis Thomas, farmer
Jennings Robert Edward, farmer
Ricketson Robert, farmer
Riley Thomas William, farmer
Simpson George, farmer
Thompson Matthew, farmer

Kelly's 1909

MELBOURNE is a township and village near the south side of the canal, 1 mile south-west from and in the parish of Thornton and 5 south-south-west from Pocklington, in the Holme Beacon division of Harthill wapentake. There is an iron church here, erected in 1882, at a cost of £600, and seating 160 persons, and also Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. Melbourne Hall is the residence of Walter Cliff esq. J.P. who is lord of the manor. Walter Cliff esq. J.P. and the Dean and Chapter of York are the chief landowners. The soil is clay and sand; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, turnips, barley, oats and seeds. The area is 3,131 acres of land and 18 of water; rateable value, £3,357 ; the population in 1901 was 356.
Post, M. O. & T. Office, Melbourne—Miss Elizabeth Ann Becket, sub-postmistress. London & other letters are received through York by mail cart, arrive at S a.m. ; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. ; no Sunday mail There are 2 Wall Letter Boxes, cleared at 4 p.m Police Station, James Padden, constable Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1873 at a cost of £1,240, for 118 children; average attendance, 59; Charles W. Mainwaring, master

Carriers to :

York—George Gorwood, mon. & fri. John Kidd tues. & sat.
Pocklington—George Gorwood & Thomas Kidd, sat.

STORWOOD is a township on the Pocklington canal, 3½ miles west from and in the parish of Thornton and 8 south-west from Pocklington. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected by Mr. Thomas Jennings. Walter Cliff esq. J.P. of Melbourne Hall, is lord of the manor & principal landowner. The area is 1,224 acres; rateable value, £1,003 ; the population in 1901 was 76. The children of this parish attend the school at East Cottingwith

Bruce Richard Charles, Bank house
Cliff Walter esq. J.P. Melbourne Hall
Nicholls Michael, Primrose villa
Story Robert Gibson, The Beeches
Tonge-Smith Winckworth M.D

Alden Charles, farmer
Arminston William, farmer
Barrow John William, farmer
Barrow Stephen, tailor & grocer
Broadley Richard, farmer
Bruce George Wm. builder & joiner
Bruce Richard Charles, asst. overseer Cricket Club (Fred Todd, hon. sec)
Dales Arthur, butcher
Dales William, Cross Keys P.H
Dickson Herbert Henry, farmer
Drake Joseph, farmer
Ellis Harry, farmer
Evans Herbert, head gamekeeper to Walt. Cliff esq. J.P. Melbourne hall
Ferguson John, head gardener to Walt. Cliff esq. J.P. Melbourne hall
Fothergill William, farmer
Gorwood George, carrier
Grant Thomas, blacksmith
Hall Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Hall Brightley, farmer
Hare Seaton, farmer
Harrison Ellen (Mrs.), huckster
Hawcroft Edmund, farmer, East farm
Homley Geo. Thos. farmer,The Lodge
James Thomas, farmer
Kidd John, carrier
Kidd Thomas, carrier
Leckenby William, shopkeeper
Ogle Chas. Hy. farmer, Brickyard frm
Outhwaite Frederick, farmer
Reading Room (Fred Todd, hon. sec)
Ridsdale Elizh. (Miss) & Wm.grocers
Roberts John, Melbourne Arms P.H
Simpson James, farmer
Thompson George, carpenter & joiner
Todd Frederick, tailor
Todd Richard George, farmer
Todd Henry, farmer
Tonge-Smith Winckworth M.D., CM, Aberd., D.P.H., M.R.C.S.Eng. physician & surgeon
Walker Richard, farm bailiff to Walt. Cliff esq. J.P
Ward William, farmer
Wilson John Hy. farmer, Westerfield

Atkinson Charles, farmer
Dunn Alfred, farmer
Hessell William, farmer
Jennings Agnes (Mrs.), farmer
Jennings Francis Thomas, farmer
Ricketson Robert, farmer
Riley Thomas William, farmer
Simpson George, farmer
Slights J. T. blacksmith, Haggbridge
Thompson Matthew, farmer
Williamson Samuel, farmer