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Market Place Market Place
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Regent Street Regent Street
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Chapmangate Chapmangate
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Pocklington Church Memorial Tablet

This extract was taken from an undated newspaper clipping.  Kindly provided by Martin Cooper.


A most impressive service was held in All Saints Church, Pocklington, on Wednesday evening when the Right Hon, Lord Nunburnholme unveiled a tablet erected to the memory of the officers and men from Pocklington who gave their lives for their country in the Great War.

The Comrades assembled at their headquarters in Chapmangate, and headed by the Pocklington Coronation Band, under the conductorship of Mr H U Buttle, paraded the town by way of Chapmangate, London Street, Union Street and Market Place to the Church, where the following service was most beautifully and sympathetically rendered. Rev A T Fisher (Pocklington) and Rev J Atkinson (Water) took part.

There was a large company present, including the members of the Pocklington and District Urban Council, and representatives of every denomination in the town.


Let saints on earth in concert sing
With those whose work is done,
For all the servants of our King
In heaven and earth are one
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Let us pray.
Lord have mercy upon us,
Christ have mercy upon us,
Lord have mercy upon us,
Our Father, etc.

Proper psalm, 76.

First lesson, Isaiah xxv, 1-8.


Second lesson, Rev xxi, 1-4.

Nunc dimittis,


Let us pray.

Grant O Lord, that as we are baptised into the death of Thy blessed Son, Our Saviour Jesus Christ, so by continually mortifying our corrupt affections we may be buried with Him, and that through the grave and gate of death, we may pass to our joyful resurrection, for His merits who died and was buried and rose again for us, Thy Son Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

HYMN No 447 

Soldiers who are Christ’s below,
Strong in faith, resist the foe,
Boundless is the pledge reward
Unto them who serve the Lord.


Lord Nunburnholme was escorted down the church by two churchwardens and said:-

In the faith of Jesus Christ we dedicate this memorial tablet to the glory of God and in thankful memory of the officers and men whose names are inscribed thereon, who were killed in action or died in hospital during the Great War.
Their bodies rest in the grave, but their souls are with God, and their remembrance honourable amongst men.

This Tablet is erected to the glory of God, and the sacred memory of the men of Pocklington, who fell in the Great War, 1914-1918.

Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick W Robson
Capt Edward M Robson
Capt George J Scott
Second-Lieutenant Roland Brown
James Elliott
Thomas R Thorpe
Richard Timbs
William Walker
Francis C Buttle
Henry I Cattle
Joseph Eagan
Fred Easton
Robert C English
Thomas W Fisher
Charles Flint
Fred Foster
Jim Giles
George Gilyead
George S Grainger
Stanley Hall
James Harrison
Henry Holmes
Alfred Hopper
Charles Hotham
George Javerley
Thomas Jennings
Arthur Jessop
Harold Johnson
Henry Johnson
Edwin Kirby
John Lee
Thomas W Rippon
Alfred Rowntree
Sydney Scaife
Thomas R Skinner
Archie Spencer
John W Smith
Richard M Stubbs
John W Thompson

The names of Robert Pratt, Herbert Jessop and H Holmes are inadvertently omitted from the list, but can easily be inscribed thereon.

The only serious mistake in the wording on the tablet is the name of Alfred Rowntree instead of the name of his brother, who was killed, This will no doubt be altered at an early date.


Was beautifully sounded by Comrade James Waters.

Lord Nunburnholme said he had been asked to say a few words on that occasion, which was very sacred to memory of those gallant officers and men who fell, that came from Pocklington.

He was afraid he did not know the names of all of them, but he did remember, Lieut Col F W Robson, Capt E M Robson, Capt G J Scott and Second Lieut Roland Brown, whom he knew most intimately, and knew what a great loss they were to their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and sweethearts, that they are not with us today.

They gave their lives in helping to win the terrible war, and he felt that they would never be sufficiently grateful for all they did for them. It was therefore a pleasure to unveil the tablet to their memory.

They well remembered the 10th battalion of the East Yorkshire Regt, which was in camp at Ousethorpe, and they will always be proud of the gallant deeds that were done by the 92nd brigade of which the 10th, 11th and 12th battalions of the East Yorkshire Regiment formed a part, during the most critical stages of the war.

The local men gave greater lustre to the Territorial Forces than the originators ever thought could have been achieved, and the 5th Yorkshire Regiment was more intimately connected with this district. Many officers and men fell, including Colonel Mortimer of Driffield, and of whom it may be said that no finer officer ever served.

 He advised them to keep up the spirit of comradeship amongst the members of the Army and Navy, as well as in private life. It is some solace that they did manage to win the war, and that the British had a big hand in doing it.





The date of this newspaper report is unknown.