In Easton's Directory of 1845, the Landlord was recorded as Abraham Grubb, but the property was owned by Richard Hall. Richard Hall signed an Ale Recognisance in 1823 for the Black Swan and agreed to not carry out Cock Fighting and Bear Bating on the premises, and many other unsavoury activities! |
This photograph shows the Landlord on the sign to be F. Johnson. Francis Johnson was a Rope Maker in New Street in Kelly's Post Office Directory of 1872, whilst a Thomas Johnson was down as landlord of the Black Swan. In the 1879 Directory Francis Johnson was recorded as landlord of the public house as well as a Rope, Twine and Net maker. Francis Johnson continued to be landlord until his death in Dec 1906. The lady with the three daughters will be Sarah Anne the wife of Francis Johnson with Emma (b.1869), Sarah (b.1872), Anne (b.1874). If the youngest girl looks about 4, this makes the photograph taken around 1878. Probably to record themselves taking on the public house. Sarah Anne died in 1886. |
From this photograph the Black Swan can be seen to have had an extension built on the front. The above photograph shows Emma with her mother Sarah Anne on the steps of the pub taken just prior to her mothers death in Mar 1886 when Emma was 17. |
I believe this to be a photograph of Francis Johnson on the steps of the Black Swan around 1905, shortly before he died in Dec 1906. Slights Photographers started in Pocklington around 1905 as he appears in Kelly's directory of that year in Railway Street. Following the death of her father in 1906, Emma took over as landlady. In the 1909 Kellys directory it lists Miss Emma Johnson as proprietor. |
Advert in the Pocklington Weekly News in 1885 |
Emma married Fred Foster from Leeds in September 1909, tragically Fred died on November 25th 1917 at Salonika of Bronchial Pneumonia his regiment was the Durham Light Infantry Reg No 70546. He had two brothers William and John Jack, and he learned the Shoemaking trade in his uncles shop, Mr John Foster in Market Place, Fred and Emma had a daughter Grace D Foster born 26th Nov 1910, the Uncle died and Fred took over the business with John Jack. He is listed on the towns war memorial. [thanks to Martin Cooper for this information] Mrs Emma Foster carried on as landlady for years afterwards and was still recorded as running the pub in the 1937 Kelly's directory. |
The photograph was taken around 1911 from the postmark on the back of the card. It was sent to Mrs M.E. Foster, Grocer, 54 Shakespeare Street, Beckett Street Leeds and starts 'Dear Mother' and is signed from Jack. The event was the 53rd Pocklington Horse & Foal Show, which took place on July 5th 1911. |
The Black Swan taken between the war years, and shows the Cooperative Society Bakery Dept. next door, which incidentally, was also a bakery in Easton's 1845 directory run by James Turner. |
This photograph of a Chimney Sweep was amongst the Black Swan photos. Can we find out who this is? There is a great clue in the 1892 Directory which has "Benjamin Lockwood, Chimney Sweeper, Black Swan Yard". All sorts of businesses operated out of the Black Swan Yard, the 1891 census includes Fishmongers & Flax Dressers. The map above is a section of William Watson's map of 1844. Benjamin married Sarah Vause in Mar 1890, he died in 1911, age 70.
1792 Dec 24 - York Courant - Cocking Richard Hall |
Landlords of the Black Swan |
1937 Kelly's Directory |
Foster Emma (Mrs.), Black Swan P.H. 26 Market place |
1933 Kelly's Directory |
Foster Emma (Mrs.), Black Swan P.H. 26 Market place |
1928 Kelly's Directory |
Foster Emma (Mrs.), Black Swan P.H. 26 Market place |
1921 Kelly's Directory |
Foster Emma (Mrs.), Black Swan P.H. 26 Market place |
1913 Kelly's Directory |
Foster Emma (Mrs.), Black Swan P.H. 26 Market place |
1909 Kelly's Directory |
Johnson Emma (Miss), Black Swan P.H. Market place |
1905 Kelly's Directory |
Johnson Francis, Black Swan P.H. & rope, twine & net maker, Market place |
1897 Kelly's Directory |
.Johnson Francis, Black Swan P.H. rope, twine & net maker, Market place |
1892 Bulmers Directory |
Black Swan, Market place; Francis Johnson |
1889 Kelly's Directory |
Johnson Francis, Black Swan p.h. rope, twine & net maker, Market place |
1884 Yorkshire Gazette 2nd Aug 1884 - Advertisement |
TO BE SOLD, pursuant to an order of the High Court Justice, Chancery Division, made in an action " re Seller, deceased, Brown, Toogood, and Company v. Seller, with the approbation of the Honourable Mr Justice Kay, by English, of the county of York, Auctioneer, at the FEATHERS' HOTEL, at aforesaid, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of August, 1884.
LOT 1. All that free and old accustomed, fully licensed MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, known as the "Black Swan Inn," situate in the Market in Pocklington, together with the stables, coachhouses, granaries, out.-offices, conveniencies.and spacious yard adjoining, now the occupation of the representatives of the late .Mr Robert Cattle, deceased, and Thomas Fawcett respectively. This Lot fronts to the main street in 'Pocklington, and its central position renders it convenient for persons frequenting the town, especially on market days. Early possession can be given if desired. LOT 2. All that MESSUAGE DWELLING-HOUSE, with the Yard, Garden, and Outbuildings adjoining, containing altogether 260 square yards, situate on the west side of Dean's Lane, in Pocklington, and having a frontage to New Street, and now the occupation of Mr. John Jennings. This is well and recently-built property, and stands in one of the most central situations the town, and is excellent repair.
1879 Post Office Directory |
Johnson Francis, Black Swan, rope, twine & net maker |
1871 Census |
James Midgley, age 27, born Pocklington |
1861 Census |
Abraham Grubb, age 59 born Everingham |
1858 Whites Directory |
Black Swan, Abraham Grubb, Mkp |
1851 Census |
Abraham Grubb, Age 43, Innkeeper |
1844 Easton's Directory |
Grubb Abraham, Black Swann Inn,
Owner Richard Hall |
1841 Census |
Abraham Grubb, Age 33, Innkeeper |
1840 White's Directory |
Black Swan, George Dickenson, Market pl |
1834 Piggot's Directory |
Black Swan.Geo. Dickinson. Market place |
1831 Yorkshire Herald |
Mr. Dickenson's Black Swan (Pocklington Cockings) See above newspaper advert |
1823 Baine's Directory |
Black Swan, Dnl. Harland, Market pl. |
1792 York Courant |
A main of cocks fought at Richard Hall's pit between the gentlemen of Bishop Wilton and the gentlemen of Pocklington. |
1760 17Jun, York Courant |
On Saturday, the 5th of July next, at James Bagley's, the sign of the Black Bull in Pocklington, in the County of York, the sale to begin at three o'clock in the afternoon. A messuage*, with the malt kiln, stables, garth and appertunances thereto belonging to widow Smith, and now occupied by John Beilby. For particulars inquire of Mr. Raper, in Coney Street, York, or Mr. William Agar, at Pocklington.
* Thought to be the Black Swan
1745 Beverley Archives |
Lease for one year relating to property in Pocklington
Date 20 Jun 1746
Description Parties:
1) Mary Toulson, York, spinster, William Smith, Pocklington, innholder, wife Mary, Joseph Smith, Pocklington, butcher (eldest son & heir apparent)
2) Matthias Linton, Pocklington, sadler
Property: part of a house near the Market Place in Pocklington in Wormes Lane consisting of one shop and a small room used therewith, one kitchen, two pantries, one cellar, three chambers, one garret and also two stables, ground and garden adjoining
Witnesses: Bushell Armingson, S Booth |
1733 Beverley Archives |
Lease and release relating to property in Pocklington (as described in DDPY/19/85)
Date 19-20 Nov 1733
Description Parties:
1) William Smith, Pocklington, innholder
2) Wilberfoss Reed, Grimthorpe, gentleman
Consideration: £130 of purchase money to discharge mortgage as described in DDPY/19/86
Witnesses: Charles Tennyson, David Cass Attached is a final concord relating to property in Pocklington, 9 Feb 1734:
1) Joseph Pinder, Wilberfoss Reed, plaintiffs
2) Christopher Abbott, wife Hannah, William Smith, wife Mary, deforceants
Property: messuage, cottage, two gardens, malt kiln, and two acres meadow in Pocklington
Consideration: £60 |
1733 Beverley Archives |
Level Item
Extent 1 Item
Assignment of mortgage relating to property in Pocklington as described in DDPY/19/85
Date 14-15 Nov 1733
Description Parties:
1) Richard Cross, Pocklington, grocer
2) William Smith, Pocklington, innholder, wife Mary (daughter of Joseph Crowder, Pocklington, innholder, deceased)
3) John Horsley, Pocklington, gentleman
Consideration: £130
Witnesses: Thomas Johnson, Edmund Cradock, Charles Tennyson |
1717 Beverley Archives |
Information of Joseph Crowder of Pocklington innholder: - theft of shoes as QSF/37/D/9-10.
Date c1717 |
1717 Beverley Archives |
Recognizance of Joseph Crowder, Matthew Linton, Francis Loftus, Robert Harrison, all of Pocklington and John Loftus of Weston yeomen: - J.C., M.L., F.L., and R.H., to prosecute James Miller for theft of shoes at Pocklington Fair.
Date c1717 |
1714 Beverley Archives |
DDPY/19/85 Lease and release relating to property in Pocklington Date 29-30 Mar 1714 Description Parties: 1) William Scorbrough, Fremington, gentleman (son and heir of William Scorbrough, Pocklington, gentleman, deceased, brother and heir of John Scorbrough, Pocklington, gentleman, deceased, eldest son and heir of Thomas Scorbrough, Pocklington, gentleman, deceased) 2) Joseph Crowther, Pocklington, yeoman Property: messuage formerly called Wormeslane* near the Market Place, with croft at rear Consideration: £190 Witnesses: Francis Loftus, Thomas Smeathman, James Blackboard
* Worms lane is the lane connecting Market Place and New Street next to the Black Swan (see map above). |
1701 IGI |
17 NOV 1701 - Pocklington, Christening of Elena daughter of Joseph Crowder |
1699 IGI |
25 NOV 1699 - Pocklington, Christening of Mary daughter of Joseph Crowder |
1684 Beverley Archives |
Agreement between Robert Pickering of York brickmaker and William Scorbrough yeoman and Christopher Moore grocer both of Pocklington DDBC/15/380 1 Nov 1684
Robert Pickering to make 100,000 bricks (10 and a half inches x five inches x two and a half inches) at 4/8d a 1,000; William Scorborough and Christopher Moore to provide fuel Witnesses: Thomas Dobson, Marma Teasdale |
If you wish to add to the story of the Black Swan, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.