> The 2025 AGM & Talk
> Crime and Punishment
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2024)
> The Sothebys
> Pocklington and the Sea
> Historical Horrors
> Allerthorpe Walk
> D-Day talk
> The 2024 AGM & Talk
> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
> Pocklington Dist. Heritage Trust
  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

> Pocklington Local History Group
  10th May 2025 - VE day celebrations

> Pocklington Local History Group
  June/July 2025 - Wilberfoss Walk

> Pocklington Local History Group
  18th Sep 2025 - Pock in 1925

> Pocklington Local History Group
  16th Oct 2025 - Local WW2 Airfields

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

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* Only £5.00
epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

* Peter Halkon
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Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

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People and Places Thumb Old Pock

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PDLHG Newsletters
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1791 Universal Directory
NB: This information is sourced from an actual directory.

1791 Universal British Directory

Pocklington, in the East Riding, is twelve miles from York, six from Beverley, twenty-five from Hull, and one hundred and ninety-six from London; it lies one mile east of the turnpike-road leading from York to hull. The market day is Saturday; and fairs March 7, May 6, August 5 and November 8. – One carrier from Hull and one from York on Wednesdays, and go out the same day. – William Haggeard, carrier to york, sets ouIt every Thirsday and Saturday.

The following is a list of the principal inhabitants:


Cross John, Gent. (F.)
Hawder Matthew, Gent. (F.)
Hewer William, Gent. (F.)
Huddlestone Richard, Gent. (F.)
Weddell John, Gent. (F.)


Basket Rev. Kinsman, (F.) Master of the Grammer-school
Cross Rev. John, Usher of the Grammer-School
Plummer Rev. Richard
Willcock Rev. James


Bell John, (F.) Surgeon
Hornby William, (F.) Surgeon
Robinson Charles, (F.) Surgeon
Rogeson William, sen. Druggist


Hudson George, Attorney
Jenkinson Richard, (F.) Attorney
Lawson John, (F.) Attorney
Terry John, Attorney


Abell Hugh, (F.) Farmer
Atterthorn John, Shoemaker
Bagley Thomas, (F.) Chief Constable
Bagley John, (F.) Butcher
Bagley Thomas, (F.) Grocer
Bagley William, (F.) Victualler
Bagley George, (F.) Butcher
Balderson James (F.) Butcher
Baldwin Mary, Shopkeeper
Barker Richard, Woolstapler
Bawser William, Brewer
Bayes Thomas, (F.) Farmer
Beal George, (F.) Brandy-merchant and Baker
Beck Matthew, Blacksmith
Blanchard Francis, (F.) Cordwainer
Bland Anthony, Butcher
Brigham Robert, Farmer
Brown John, Bookbinder and stationer
Byas Thomas, F.) Grocer
Calverley John, (F.) Joiner
Cattan James, (F.) Farmer
Cattan Thomas, Horse-farrier
Cattan Thomas, (F.) Farmer
Cattan Robert, (F.) Butcher
Clark William, (F.) Maltster
Clark Thomas, (F.) Farmer
Clarkson George, Farmer
Clifton ____, (F.) Farmer
Cobb Frances, Innkeeper
Collins Francis, Tanner
Collinson William, (F.) Brewer
Cook William, (F.), Farmer
Cook Thomas, Cheesemonger
Cooper John, Farmer
Daniel William, Millwright
Dunn Robert, Grocer
Easton Mary, (F.) Innkeeper
Easton John, Joiner
Fallowfield Francis, (F.), Victualler
Fessel Robert, (F.), Grocer
Fields William, Leather-dresser
Garland Rich. Blacksmith and Innkeeper
Garland John, Blacksmith
Gilbertson Thomas, Sadler
Gray Robert, Grocer
Groves John, Auctioneer
Hacket Thomas, (F.) Farmer
Haggeard William, York Carrier
Hall Richard, Innkeeper
Hall John, Breeches-maker
Hodgson John, Dyer
Hodgson Henry, Hair-dresser
Horsley John, (F.) Farmer
Horsley William (F.) Farmer
Hudson William, (F.) Farmer
Hudson William, (F.) Butter Factor
Hudson Henry, (F.) Grocer and Draper
Hunter Leonard, Miller
Ibertson Hugh, (F.) Bricklayer
Jackson Mary, Milliner
Jackson Matthew, (F.) Tallow Chandler and Postmaster
Judson William, (F.) Joiner
Ketwell Thomas, sen. (F.) Butcher
Ketwell Thomas, jun. Butcher
Lasshels John, Farmer
Laton William, (F.) Farmer
Laton Thomas (F.) Farmer
Lee Thomas, (F.) Grocer
Linton William, Tea-Dealer
Linwood William, (F.)  Sadler
Ludgate Thomas, Currier
Mason Christopher, (F.)
Mead William, Glover
Mead John, (F.) Glover
Nickelson John, Cooper
Pinder Wm. (F.) Victualler, (Buck)
Powell James, Hair-dresser
Ransen Robert, Merchant-Taylor
Raspen Richard, Grocer
Raspen William, Shoemaker
Raspen James, Hair-dresser
Raspen Richard, Grocer and Merchant Taylor
Richardson William, Shoemaker
Richardson William, Innkeeper
Rogerson William, (F.) Farmer
Sanderson Robert (F.) Farmer
Seafe Thomas, (F.) Plumber and Glazier
Seafe James, Merchant-Taylor
Seafe Christopher, (F.) Plumber and Glazier
Shaw John, Innkeeper
Silburn James, (F.) Butcher
Snell John, Shopkeeper
Stables Henry, (F.)  Joiner
Staveley Thomas, (F.) Butcher
Staveley John, (F.) Butcher
Terry Thomas, (F.) Baker
Thompson Jane, (F.) Shopkeeper
Thompson Robert, Cheesemonger
Thrusk Robert, Staymaker
Tindall James, Cooper
Turner Thomas, (F.) Roper
Walker John, Innkeeper
Ward John, (F.) Innkeeper
Watson John, Watchmaker
Willion John, Farmer
Willion Robert, Tanner
Wilson John, (F.) Farmer
Wray John, (F.) Shopkeeper
Wright Phillip, Shoemaker

The following gentlemen have seats in this neighborhood :- Kilauk Percy’s Hall, two miles from Pocklington, the seat of Robert Dennison, Esq., - Warter Hall, four miles the seat of Lady Parmenton. Haton, two miles on the Hull road, the seat of Rudson Calverley Rudson Esq., - Everingham Hall, four miles, the seat of William Hagerston Maxwell Constable, Esq., - Melburn Hall, five miles, the seat of Henry Vavaser, Esq.

In his introduction to the 1993 facsimile edition Wilkins-Jones reproduces the Barfoot and Wilkes' prospectus to the Universal British Directory in which there is an explaination of the significance of the '(F)' that appears against some names - 'In cases of election ... great information is to be derived by a reference to the freeholders in each town, (F) being annexed to every person's name who posseses a vote'.