> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2024)
> The Sothebys
> Pocklington and the Sea
> Historical Horrors
> Allerthorpe Walk
> D-Day talk
> The 2024 AGM & Talk
> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Feb 2025 - Crime & Punishment

> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Mar 2025 - Use of Mapping

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

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epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

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* Summary of
Pocklington Archaeology
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Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

"A Pock History & Heritage Trail"

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People and Places Thumb Old Pock

"People and Places of Old Pocklington"

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Adieu WW1 Book

"Adieu to dear old Pock"

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PDLHG Newsletters
#1 Oct 2020
#2 Dec 2020
#3 May 2021

Barker's Dairy
In 2007, one of Pocklington's oldest business's closed when it was bought by Dairy Crest only to be re-sold later that year to Danby's, another old Pocklington family firm. The Barker dairy had been operating in the town for 70 years and was a well known name in the town. Photographs (provided with kind permission of John Barker) tell of the story of the Barker Dairy which started with milking a cow at the back of the Royal Oak pub in George Street. Frank Barker moved there from Bielby in the late 1920's.

College arms bielby
Frank Barker outside College Arms in Bielby in the early 1920's
Frank Barker Bielby
Frank Barker stood outside the Inn in Bielby.
Frank Barker sign
The sign above the door at Bielby
Frank moves to take the Royal Oak in George Street Pocklington
Frank moves to take the Royal Oak in George Street, Pocklington
Royal Oak sign
The sign above the door in George Street
Flo Barker Cow
Florrie Barker's cow which won 2nd place in the 1930 pocklington Show here with one of Frank's grandsons at the back of the Inn. She kept it in the field next to Fox & Fig's Garage and one resident remembers a shout at the gate encouraged the cow to come for milking to the back of the Royal Oak. This was the start of the milk business as they sold the surplus milk in churns from the back of the pub.
Back of the Royal Oak
The back of the Royal Oak with the milking parlour on the right
the Barker family
The Barker Family
Back Row: Fred Barker, Bill Barker, Peter Barker, Arthur Barker
Second Row: Lily Jordison (nee Barker), Arthur Barker sen., his wife Alice Barker (nee Craven), Harold Barker
Cows from west green
The number of cows increased and Frank took a field in West Green and brought them back for milking on his bike
Franks son Harold
Frank's son Arthur took Globe House (to the right of the picture) in Market Place to start his dairy distribution and sales from the back .
1 George St
Arthur''s son Bill moved the business to No. 1 George Street (c.1954) where the business flourished until it closed in 2007.
On 01/05/2016 I got a communication from Andrew Burns in Riccall who found the above van door whilst digging his garden! If anyone can supply any information on the era and model of the van, I will forward it on to Andrew.

If you wish to add to the story of the Barker's Dairy, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.