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Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
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The Buck Inn / The Buck Hotel
Another old Inn in Pocklington, the Buck was in existence in the eighteenth century, and may have been present prior to that. An 1825 sale notice (below) describes the inn as "from time immemorial has been a well established and good accustomed inn". Around 1890, it changed it's name from the 'Buck Inn' to the 'Buck Hotel'. It was located between the Black Swan Inn and the Oak House in Market Place.
1910 Buck Inn
The Buck Hotel around 1910
Very few Photographs have survived of the Buck Inn,
later it became a hotel.
Pocklington Cockings
1792 Jan 10 - York Courant
William Pinder 1800
Hull Packet April 8th 1800
Obituary from the 'Hull Packet' newspaper for 3rd May 1803
Advertisement from the 'Hull Packet' for 1st March 1803
Buck Inn
York Herald - Saturday 13th April 1805
Advertisement from the 'Hull Packet' 16th March 1808
Advertisement from the 'Hull Packet' dated 14th April 1812
The Hull Packet December 14 1813

Buck Inn
York Herald - 12th December 1818
Image reproduced with kind permission of http://www.thebritishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/
Yorkshire Gazette
Yorkshire Gazette - Saturday 26 February 1825
Image reproduced with kind permission of http://www.thebritishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/
Obituary in the 'Hull Packet' dated 8th November 1844
Hull Daily Mail 3 May 1937
Hull Daily Mail - 3 May 1937
Stanley Stabler

The Hull Daily Mail - 8th November 1937

Stanley Guy Stabler was first cousin twice removed of Peter Clixby, who sent this clipping. Stanley was born on 1st June, 1913 in the Skirlaugh District of The East Riding of Yorkshire, probably in the Humbleton area. In 1937 – 38 he was a wireless operator and lived at the Nags Head Inn, Burstwick with his parents and sister. As the press cutting reports he was convicted of various offences including two at the Buck Hotel one "obtaining food and lodging from Ellen Lumley" (land lady) and two "stealing a sum of 10s 6d from a handbag in a private room at the Buck Hotel". Presumably he stayed at the Buck Hotel temporarily? In the 1939 Register he is living at The Nags Head Inn with his parents and sister again, presuming that he had served his sentence. He died in 1942 in the Hull District area.

Billy Harrison in the Buck Inn Pocklington
Billy Harrison entertaining the punters as Laurel and Hardy in The Buck Hotel, Pocklington, during the Christmas period in 1938.
Picture from the Pocklington Post: 4th March 2018
Landlords of the Buck Inn  
1955 Article in the Yorkshire Post 17 May 1955 "If you are not aware that the Conservative headquarters in the Howden Division are above the Oak House cinema in Pocklington, with the Black Bull Hotel on one side and the Buck Hotel on the other"
1951 Town and Country Directory Buck Hotel, Market place
1937 Kelly's Directory S. Lumley - Buck Hotel, 24 Market Place
1936 The Naturalist G.B. Turnpenny
1921 Kelly's Directory Arthur Moor - Buck Hotel, 24 Marlet Place
1913 Kelly's Directory Arthur Moor - Buck Hotel, 24 Market Place
1909 Kelly's Directory John George Grieg - Buck Hotel, Market Place
1905 Kelly's Directory John George Grieg - Buck Hotel, Market Place
1897 Kelly's Directory John George Grieg - Buck Hotel, Market Place
1892 Bulmers Directory J.H. Cook - Buck Hotel, Market Place
1889 Kelly's Directory John Henry Cook - Buck Inn, Market Place
1881 Census Mary Hickson, Age 40, Innkeeper
1871 Census Thomas Jacques, Age 43 Innkeeper and stonemason employing 1 man
1861 Census Thomas Smith, Hotel Keeper, Age 47
1860 The Draper and Clothier Vol. 1-3 p.73 John Marshall
1859 The Travellers' Handbook John Marshall
1851 Census Charles Stocks, Age 60, Inkeeper
1844 Easton's Directory Charles Stocks, Buck Inn
1843 Yorkshire Gazette
1st July
POCKLINGTON. CAPITAL INN AND OTHER PROPERTY. BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. THOMAS SCAIFE, Jan., At the House of Mr. Ralph Johnson, the Buck Inn, in Pocklington, in the County of York, on TUESDAY, the 11th Day of July, 1843, at TWO o'Clock in the Afternoon, in the following or such other Lots as may be then determined on, LOT 1. ALL that Capital INN, situate in the Market Place, in Pocklington, called the BUCK INN, with the Stabling, Barn, Coach-Houses, Brewery, Granary, aud other Outbuildings, and the spacious Yard adjoining thereto, and occupied therewith by Mr. Ralph Johnson.
1841 Census Ralph Johnson, Age 60, Innkeeper
1840 White's Directory Ralph Johnson, Buck, Market Place
1825 Yorkshire Gazette William Monkman (owner Thomas Richardson - see sale notice above)
1824 Survey William Monkman
1834 Piggot's Directory Ralph Johnson, Buck, Market Place
1823 Baine's Directory Thos. Richardson, Buck, Market Place
1818 York Herald Thomas Anderson, John Richardson (Blacksmith), Sarah Leckonby
1813 Hull Packet J. Monkman
1812 Hull Packet George Wilson
1805 York Herald George Wilson
1803 Hull Packet William Harling, Buck Inn
1802 Humanities and Social Sciences, 1879.c.13.(18.) British Library To be fought at Mr. Pinder’s Pit, Pocklington on ... the 31st of March ... the 1st ... and 2d of April, 1802, etc. [A handbill announcing cockfights.]
1800 Hull Packet William Pinder, Buck Inn
1795 Leeds Intelligencer 9th March - The long main of cocks, 26 main battles and 13 byes, fought a few days ago at Pocklington, between Mr. Ware, jun. and Mr. Wardell, in William Pindar's pitt, at the sign of the Buck, in Pocklington, was won by Mr. Wardell, 2 a head in the main, and 3 in the byes : feeders, Thompson, for Mr. Wardell ; Sunley, for Mr. Ware.
1792 York Courant Annual Sporting Meeting at Mr. Pindar's
1791 Universal Directory Wm. Pinder, (Freeholder), Victualler, Buck
1791 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance William Pinder, sureties Cook Taylor, Robert Cob of Allerthorpe
1789 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance William Pindar, sureties William Pindar, William Cobb of Allerthorpe
1784-88 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance William Pinder, Richard Bagley, sureties William Pinder, Richard Bagley
1783 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance Pemberton Scaife, sureties John Terry, John Butler
c1780 E.R. Archives - QSF/288/C/12 Recognizance of Pemberton Scaife innholder and Thomas Staveley bricklayer both of Pocklington: - P.S. for keeping a disorderly house.
1783 Feb18 - York Courant Pocklington - To be sold by auction upon the premises on saturday, the 8th day of March next, between the hours of three and six in the Afternoon, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced. The well known and good accustomed INN, situate in the Market-Place of Pocklington, in the County of York, being the sign of the Buck, with the yard, Brewhouse and Stables on the backside thereof, in the occupation of John Pinder, and now vested in the Trustees or the benefit of his creditors. Also, the LEASE of TWO CLOSES or CROFTS, of rich pasture lying contiguous to the said house, 24 years being yet to come theirin. For other particulars apply to Mr. Hudson, Attorney at Law, Pocklington.
1782 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance John Pinder, Pemberton Scaife, sureties John Pinder, Pemberton Scaife
1781 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance John Pinder, Cook Taylor, sureties John Pinder of Pocklington, cooper, Cook Taylor
1780 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance Elizabeth Pinder, Cook Taylor, sureties John Pinder of Pocklington, cooper, Cook Taylor
1779 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance Mathew Pinder, sureties Mathew Pinder, Robert Cobb
1778 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance William Pindar, sureties William Pindar, Henry Chambers
1769 E.R. Archives - Alehouse recognizance William Pinder, surety James Bagley

1606 E.R. Archives

Could this Thomas Buck be the source of the name of the Buck inn? It is interesting he is a butcher, many butchers in Pocklington started Inns and Alehouses

DDGR/17/8 Date: 27 Aug 1606
Description: Similar Bargain and sale to that as described in DDGR/17/7


1) Thomas Buck of Pocklington, butcher and wife Johane (another daughter of Christopher Jewitson)

2) Jane Yonge

Witnesses: John (Overton?), Robert H, Roger Cotton, Thomas Younge and George (Northe ?)

If you wish to add to the story of the Buck Inn, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.