This Postcard is dated 1907 and shows the workers houses of Oshawa Terrace which can be seen on the map below. |
1910 OS Map of Canal Head |
'Canal Head' (aka 'River Head') around 1905.
The larger building to the left was the old Canal Inn, with landlord residence to the right. It was destroyed on the night of 26th November 1943 when a Lancaster bomber crashed into the house.
See the report here.
Landlords of the Wellington Oak |
1946 Hull Daily Mail
20th August 1946 |
BLADES. —Henry, aged 71, died Aug. 19th, at Wellington Oak. Pockllngton, beloved father of Cyril. Funeral. Wed., 2.15 p.m. Friends please accept this (the only) intimation. |
1937 Kelly's Directory |
Blades Hy. Wellington Oak inn, Canal head |
1933 Kelly's Directory |
Vickerman George H. Wellington Oak inn, Canal head |
1929 Kelly's Directory |
Vickerman George H. Wellington Oak inn, Canal head |
1921 Kelly's Directory |
Houslay Walter H. Wellington Oak inn, Canal head |
1917 Hull Daily Mail |
13 July 1917 - Licences Transferred - to Walter Henry Houslay |
1913 Kelly's Directory |
Watson David R. Wellington Oak inn, Canal Head |
1909 Kelly's Directory |
Watson David E. Wellington, Oak inn, Canal head |
1905 Kelly's Directory |
Dunning William K. Wellington Oak inn, Riverhead |
1897 Kelly's Directory |
Wilkinson John, Wellington Oak inn, River head |
1892 Bulmers Directory |
Wellington Oak Inn, River head, Thomas Walker |
1889 Kelly's Directory |
Moor Henry, Wellington Oak p.h. River head |
1886 Oct 2, York Herald |
to be sold by auction by Mr. George Clark, at the Feathers Hotel, in Pocklington, on the 5th Oct.
Lot5: All that FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, used as an inn and known as "The Wellington Oak Inn" with the outbuildings and premises adjoining thereto, and comprising a Five-stall Stable, Barn, Cowhouse for 4 cows, and other conveniences. Also Garden and Grass Garth adjoining thereto, containing altogether 1 acre, more or less. The House is a fully licensed one, and now in the occupation of Mr. Henry Moor. |
1879 Post Office Directory |
Moor Henry, Wellington Oak, River head |
1861 Census |
Andrew Olivier, Age 58, Innkeeper and farmer of 30 acres |
1858 White's Directory |
Wellington Oak. Richd. Jefferson, Chd. |
1851 Census |
Richard Jefferson, Age 59, Innkeeper and farmer occupying 14 acres |
1844 William's Directory |
Wellington—Wm. Ward, Canal-head |
1841 Census |
William Ward, Age 35 publican |
1840 White's Directory |
Wellington, William Ward, Canal head. |
1836 Sep 24, York Herald |
To be Let: either for a term of years or from year to year. That Capital Thriving PUBLIC-HOUSE, situate at Pocklington Canal Head, now in the occupation of Roger Taylor, known by the sign of the WELLINGTON INN, with four grass and one tillage field adjoining, being on the high road between Hull and York and well calculated for taking in Cattle for the York markets.
Also, Large and commodious warehouses, granaries, lime-sheds, coal-wharfs, and cottage, joining onto the Canal, capable of carrying on a very extensive Business, being in the middle of a large corn district. The public house and land to be entered upon at Lady Day. Possession may be had of all the rest immediately. For further particulars apply, (post-paid) to Robert Dennison esq. of Kilnwick-Percy, the Owner. |
1836 Jan 9, York Herald |
Auction Sale on 2nd Feb: Lot 5. A public house known by the name of the Wellington Inn, now occupied by Mr. Roger Taylor, with a yard and good stabling thereto belonging; Also, Five Acres (more or less) of good Land, Four Acres of which are in grass, and One Acre in ploughing. |
1831 White's Directory |
Wellington, Wm. Ellis, Riverhead |
1823 Baine's Directory |
Wellington Inn, Ann Mary Davill, Canal side |
If you wish to add to the story of the Wellington Oak Inn, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.