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The Everingham Brothers and their “EB” Service, 1919 - 1953
The following article is copyright (c) 2008 to the author Ian Gibbs.
Bus Trip to Scarborough

A family and friends outing to Scarborough, where the bus had to park on the North Marine drive as dictated by 'boro Council. The gent in the large trilby is possibly Mr Steel a Pocklington butcher and Father in law to Sidney Everingham. Sidney is in the Doorway of the Bus.
There does not appear to be a photo in existence for Irwin Everingham the tailor, brother and partner, who concentrated more on the clothing side of the business. Taken in the 1920's the bus was thought to have been a Commer Invader model.

Sydney Everingham

Sydney Everingham

The Everingham Brothers and their “EB” Service 1919 - 1953

On the 18 November 1953 the final journeys of The E-B Service buses as operated by Sidney and Irwin Everingham ended.

The Firm sold out to The BET Concern EYMS.

The Brothers began operating a Motor bus service after the Great War on 19 February 1919.

Although there had been a connection with a Horse bus service the details are unclear especially as the ages of some of the brothers seem to preclude them from such work quite as early as 1903
Their attachment to motoring had begun with Motorcycles. Makes such as the Yorkshire built Phelon & Moore and Scott were early machines they rode.
 This love of Motorcycles is thought to have been encouraged by an Older Brother and their step Brother. 

This led to the opening of a Motorcycle and Bicycle dealership in Pocklington circa 1909.

This business was soon augmented by the addition of an ‘All days’ Landaulette for hire. The vehicle was bought second-hand from a Hull Dealer when 9 months old.
 Pretty soon an advert appeared for the Hire of the Taxi with a picture of a Landaulette in the advert.
About this time plans were being laid for a Funeral Directors business also the possibility of providing a Haulage service.
However all this was put on hold with the outbreak of War.
Sidney plus his two older brothers had applied to enlist, however Irwin was not accepted on health grounds.

He was left to assist his father John Thomas Everingham a Master Tailor with three shops to run.

After the War 2nd Lieutenant Sidney Everingham, returned home from service in Ireland.  By February 1919 the addition of two ex-Military vehicles enabled the Brothers Sidney and by Irwin to restart their plans for Haulage and Passenger services.

The AEC Y and B type chassis were proven models during the 1915-18 hostilities- these now served the Public in peacetime.

When not hauling goods around the County as Lorries, a de mountable Chars-a-banc body would be fitted in place of the Lorry one, to enable the ‘lorry’ to carry trippers to the seaside from Pocklington and surrounding villages.

This proved so popular; a service to York for Market Days was requested. This with passengers (plus their market goods for sale) required the addition of more second-hand vehicles during 1921 and 1922.  
Some vehicles were ‘Passenger only’ others dual purpose having extra bodies, these came from various sources not solely ex-Military.

The Haulage side now began to offer a Furniture Removals service. When required it is thought that this became a part of the responsibility of Irwin.

All this demand for services led to employment for more local men either as Drivers, Fitters or Conductors, women too as Conductresses.

The Popularity of the York Market day service led to cries for a weekly then daily run to the city. Licence's were granted from the Council to this end.

Other Villagers began to clamour for a service to York so a single route became three routes designated the North, South and Direct services.

The Direct route was about 15 miles via Wilberfoss, whilst the Pocklington Canal Head-- Beilby Everingham- Seaton Ross- Melbourne- Hagg Bridge- Elvington route was about 27.5 miles.
The route via Yapham-Bishop Wilton etc to Stamford Bridge –Grimston Bar was approximately 22.5 miles according to retired staff.
The Everingham Brothers had “nouse”, they ran trials on several fuels before settling on Rix petrol (later of course in the 1930s engines were changed to Diesel).

Records of the repairs, servicing and mileage and durability of tyres engines etc was logged.
They began to operate buses on two routes with narrow-bodied vehicles to better negotiate the narrow roadways around Melbourne and Nunburnholme.

These were a change from the usual Thornycroft and AEC models in service being either Commer or Albion models with 20 seat bodies, in lieu of the usual 32 seats.

The demise of the D V L Railway passenger service from York in 1926 added a boost to services for Stamford Bridge.

Also the small scale service operated by William “Billy” Hill and his “Flying Bedstead” (probably a Ford T with Baico extension), was coming under pressure no licence after 1927 for York City appears extant.

It has been stated that another bus service run by brothers called Dawson from Huggate had ended, this adding more customers to the Pocklington business. However no confirmation of these brothers has come to light.

Psychology also played a part in the EB Services success for several Buses or “Cars” as Sidney had them referred to were made with rear entrance bodies.
This was to allow passengers to board their bus and find their seat without the prying gaze of all and sundry as they found a seat-especially if some embarrassing or other noteworthy event had befallen a village family!
The vehicles had wooden boards fitted above the drivers cab with a destination notice with EB in bold letters.
This sign soon turned into illuminated boxes for night time and winter time journeys.
A capacious roof rack was normally fitted to large and small “Cars” for taking produce and goods to Market and for purchases back home.

 A service was offered for bringing medicines and sundry other Goods back to Pocklington.

Long distance became the next venture.

During the early 1930s a Bridlington to York Service was added to the timetable along with several shorter inter-village services. A parcel network was built up and included over thirty points for collection.

Then the Brothers set up a Staff Hospital Contributory benefit scheme for all employees with contributions for both parties.
A Staff-passes was issued, (c1932) for 5 shillings (25p). This was for all routes for a year, except Bridlington-York, and Sunday services.

At one point a Pocklington – Howden Service was trialled but this was soon ended.
Late night services to York for the Cinema on Wednesdays and Saturdays was provided though certain earlier return trips were reduced on these days to alleviate staff working hours.
A journey to York was extended early mornings to ferry Rowntree factory staff from the villages.

There was a rule allowing free child travel for under 3 year olds not occupying a seat, Small dogs could be carried but by discretion of the driver. No prams or bicycles were carried in the saloons. Fares for children between 3 and twelve years of age –half price.

A workers weekly ticket scheme was added in the 1930s.  A long list of tour destinations began to emerge and once a nine vehicle trip was undertaken to Blackpool.

Some of these Outings were for the Staff of Coach builders Messrs B. Barnaby Ltd of Hull. Sidney began using Fred and Cyril Barnaby for all Bodyworks and Repainting from the mid 1920s.
The early Thornycroft vehicles being amongst the first to received a Barnaby Body.

Eventually these two families became close friends.

Wages were paid on experience and time served basis. Some examples quoted for the late1920s are-
Conductors starting at 12 shillings rising to 25 shillings per week (60p -£1.22.5p)
Drivers 60 shillings per week for experienced men to between 50 shillings and 35 shillings for newly promoted Conductors.  
A garage apprentice received as a young person 2 shillings and sixpence per week (12.5p). A Fitter was equal to if not over the rate of the Driver.

The appointment of Ladies into the Service revealed another facet of the Bus service as a microcosm of human endeavour-that of Romance. Occasionally a Wedding would be celebrated between say a Driver and Conductress or Fitter and Conductress.

Fleet vehicles were continually serviced and painted with new vehicles arriving regularly.

Prior to Electric lighting the Drivers carried matches to light the Calcium Carbide and Paraffin side lights, because of the explosive nature of the Carbide once water dripped onto the crystals a close eye was kept on the lighting, operators were required to have a licence to keep explosives at a designated place.

The Second World War brought much trade in the form of Military contracts to ferry workers to three aerodromes.

There is more to the Everingham story than space allows however with the death of Sidney Everingham in 1945, the difficult task of running the service fell to Irwin eventually due to health problems the business became harder to monitor.

Even though new vehicles arrived in 1952, he decided to sell out to his main rival.
This was after he had secured employment for all staff who wished this, plus a pledge to honour all prepaid tickets for passengers and staff.

 A deal was reached in the November of 1953. The E-B Service passed into history, Pocklington had lost a friend.


If you wish to add to the story of Everinghams, or to correct any of the above information, or contact the author, then please contact me.