> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2024)
> The Sothebys
> Pocklington and the Sea
> Historical Horrors
> Allerthorpe Walk
> D-Day talk
> The 2024 AGM & Talk
> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Feb 2025 - Crime & Punishment

> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Mar 2025 - Use of Mapping

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

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epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

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Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

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People and Places Thumb Old Pock

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PDLHG Newsletters
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#3 May 2021

Pocklington Parish Records
Pocklington Wills and Inventories

This a selection of Pocklington Wills and Inventories from Roger Bellingham originally transcribed by David Neave many years ago as research for his book.

SheetNo Surname Xtn Place Will year Will
Occupation Proved Proved date Inventory year Inventory date Occupation Wealth Rooms Year Note
185 ? Edward Pock 1708 22-Aug 1708 Xerox
182 William Pock 1710 09-Mar 1710 Xerox
139 Anderson Stephen KP 1664? 1664? Gent £240? 1664
131 Andrew Alexander Pock 1698 16-Mar Linnen weaver 1699 13-Apr £12 5 1699 C. Elizabeth
131 Andrew Alexander sr Pock 1693 31 Jun Linnen Weaver 1693 29-Sep 1693 W.Alice C.Alexander
20 Appleton Thomas Pock 1667 18-Nov £22 4 1667
121.4 Appleton Thomas 1667 Nov £22 1667
160.1 Bagley Anne Pock 1725 21-Jan Widow £17 5 1725
74 Baitson Elizabeth Pock 1674 12-Jul 1674 29-Oct 1674 29-Oct Widow £10 3 1674
159.1 Baitson Giles Pock 1727 16-Nov 1727 21-Dec £85 9 1727
103 Baitson Robert (elder) Pock 1668? 1668 27-Apr 1668? £59 3 1668 W.Elizabeth
75 Bancke Robert Pock? 1673 08-Jul 1673 29-Oct 1673 27-Aug 1673 Weaver
125.2 Bancks William Pock 1665 01-Aug Weaver 1665 21-Sep £14 2 1665 W.Margaret, C.Isabel,Margaret
81.2 Bankes Jane Pock 1678 1679 06-May 1678 13-Jan £10 1 1678 C.Margaret Watson
93 Bankes Margret Pock 1681 07-Sep Widow 1681 23-Sep 1681? Widow £11 1681 C.Petronella Metcalfe, Margret Bias
119.1 Bankes Robert Pock 1660 £9 1660
58 Baumborough Matthew Pock 1694 29-Sep Yeoman 1694 Nov £7 4 1694
178 Baumborough Thomas Pock 1720 03-Jan £48 1720 Xerox
98 Bealby John Pock 1686 21-Apr 1685 18-Feb £83 3 1685
140 Bell Hugh Pock 1691? Blacksmith 1691 23-Oct Blacksmith £200? 6 1691
152 Bielby James Pock 1684 19-Feb 1685 19-May 1685 14-Apr £58 1685 W.Jane
149 Bielby Robert Pock 1688? Tanner 1688 17-Nov Tanner £196 12 1688 W.Jane C.James,William,Martha,Ellen
43 Blanchard Nicholas Pock 1707 05-Jan 1707? 1707? Yeoman £74 1707
91 Blanchard Peter Pock 1680 06-Nov Yeoman 1680 20-Dec 1680 14-Nov £78 1 1680 C. Mary Parker. June Clark,Anne, Margery, Ely,Frances,Sara. Interest in shop under late courthouse to Ann
22 Blanshard Margaret Pock 1665 02-May 1665? 1665 15-Jun £15 3 1665
18 Botterell Edward Pock 1669? 1669 08-Oct £246 10 1669 W.Dinah
193 Brigham Jane Pock 1700 21-Jun £180 1700 Xerox
Brigham Thomas Pock 1693 21-Nov Labourer 1694 23-May 1694? £18 3 1694 W.Jane C.Jane Byass
87 Broadbotham John Pock 1681 02-Mar Bachelor 1681 23-Mar 1681 08-Mar Bachelor £59 1681
88.1 Broadbotham Thomas Pock 1681 13-Jan Husbandman 1681 23-Mar 1681 W.Jane C.Richard,John,Petronella
186 Brown Matthew Pock 1710 23-May £110 1710 Xerox
30.2 Browne Matthew 1729 £64 2 1729
116.2 Bucke Hugh Pock 1665 21-Jan Butcher 1665 W.Anne Daughter Phillipp Lunde
70 Burden Catherine ? 1690? 1690 06-Aug Widow £4 1690
68 Butler Martin Pock 1691 £7 1691
169 Buttery Barney Pock 1669? 1669 20-Jul £223 9 1669 MaltserW Sibill, C Ann, Margaret
136 Byass Thomas Pock 1664 26-Jan 1685 19-May 1685 04-Apr £65? 5 1685 W.Elizabeth C Henry,William,John
161 Caide John Pock 1665 24-Aug Shoemaker £2 3 1665
41.1 Carr Richard Pock 1705? 1705 02-May 1705
124 Chamb Thomas sr Pock 1718 13-Feb £6 1718 Note35.1 &38 &Xerox
107 Chambers John Pock 1669? 1669 21-Oct £4 1669 W.Ann Cwilliam
151 Chapman Robert Pock 1685? Yeoman 1685 19-May 1685
167 Chapman Robert? Pock 1683 1685 12-Jun Miller 6 1685 Miller Very full inventory
102.1 Chapman William Pock 1683 22-Feb Miller 1683 15-Mar 1683 W.Everilda, C.Robert,Elizabeth Jackson. Ann Robson
65 Clarkson John Pock 1694 1694 23-Feb 1694 15-Feb £9 1 1694 W.Mary 
35.3 Clifford John Pock 1721 02-Mar £5 4 1721
104 Coale Robert Pock 1668 31-May 1668 26-Jan 1668 29-Sep Painter £9 2 1668 W.AnnC.John, Elizabeth Coak
81.1 Coales Anne Pock 1680? 1680 20-Dec 1680 02-Dec £8 1680
31 Cole John Pock 1723 27-Nov 1723 20-Dec 1723 Yeoman £19 2? 1723
36 Cooper Matthew Pock 1720 27-Oct £108 6 1720
59 Cowper John Pock 1695 07-Apr Yeoman 1695 05-Jun £19 3 1695 W.FrancesCJohn,Thomas,Elizabeth
173 Daltry Hugh Meltonby 1651 £18 1651
121.2 Dobson John 1670 Jan £18 1670
82 Dobson John sr Pock 1679 24-Dec Yeoman 1679 27-Feb 1679 20-Jan £18 1679 C.John,Thomas,Mary,Ann,June Cottage in Chapmangate described
46.2 Dobson Thomas Pock 1705? 1705 06-Nov 1705 05-Nov £65 6 1705
38 Doye George Pock nd Gent 1720 16-Mar 1720 14-Nov Yeoman £224 5 1720
102.2 Duesbury William Pock 1681 Jan Tallow Chandler 1683 16-Oct 1683 W.Susanah.C.Susanah Staveley
181 Easton Edward Pock 1708 27-Aug £14 1708 Xerox
80 Easton John Pock 1679? 1679 26-Feb 1679 17-Feb £11 2 1679 W.Isabell C.John,Katten?
121.3 Easton John 1679 Feb £14 1679
175 Ellart Joseph Pock 1717 01-Feb £30 1717 Xerox
40.2 Ellison Alice Pock 1705 08-Dec 1705 13-Dec 1705 10-Dec £59 2 1705
10 Ettley William Pock 1695 07-Jan Gent £63 7 1695
33.1 Fallowfield William Pock 1721? 1721 12-Feb 1721 04-Nov £5 2 1721
33.2 Foster Anthony Pock 1719 24-Feb 1719? Blacksmith £1 1719
194 Gardham James Pock 1700 20-Jul 1700 Xerox
158 Gleadhill Elizabeth Pock 1671? 1671 27-Apr 1671? 1671 C.William,John
119.2 Goorwood Christopher Pock 1657 29-Jun Husbandman £21 2 1657
117.1 Gray Thomas 1658 20-Oct £5 1 1658
77 Greenleafe James Pock 1676 23-Apr Yeoman 1676 10-Jul 1676 15-Jun £23 8 1676 W.Kesiah
32.2 Haggard Isabell Pock 1724 Jul £18 3 1724
177 Hagyard Thomas 1719 02-Oct £74 1719 Xerox
61 Haines Hugh Pock 1693 26-Feb Whitesmith 1694? 1694 29-Mar £41 1694 W.AnneC.John. New built hse ftg PuddingateVery full will
109 Halkeyard Alexander Pock 1667 Dec 1667 Oct £67 3 1667
89 Harland Thomas Pock 1681 12-Mar Labourer 1681 09-May 1681 04-Apr £10 1681 W.Elizabeth? C.Ann?
121.1 Harland Thomas 1681 Apr £10 1681
134 Harrison John Pock 1700 11-Nov 1701 07-May 1700 18-Nov Woolen weaver £9 4 1700 C.Anne Borrows,Elizabeth Hart,Mary
73 Hayton George Pock 1673? 16-Jan 1673 13-May 1673 £2 2 1673
44 Hebden John Pock 1704? 1704 23-May 1704? £12 1704
114 Hewitt Margaret Pock 1665 Mar 1665 01-Jun £80? 8 1665
39 Hill John Pock 1702 06-Dec 1707 25-Oct 1707 02-Sep Grocer £37 2 1707
51 Hornby James Pock 1703 31-May Labourer 1704 03-Apr 1703 07-Jun £4 1703
48 Horsley John Pock 1702 09-Jul Tilor 1704 23-May 1704? £11 1704
71 Hudson James Pock 1672 08-Sep 1673 02-Sep 1673 05-Aug Clerk Vicar Pock £78 7 1673
117.2 Hugill William Pock 1658 £100 1658
30.3 Hunter John 1729 09-Feb £9 3 1729
96 Idle William Pock 1682 11-Dec Yeoman 1683 15-May 1683 C. Bridgett
122.2 Jackson Elizabeth Pock 1713? Widow 1713 07-Jan Widow £62 1713 Note & Xerox 180
171.3 Jackson Elizabeth Pock 1714 Candlemaker Widow £62 1714
120 Jackson Ellis ? 1652 Sep £86 1652 Butcher 
165 Jackson Richard Pock 1698 02-Sep £52 9 1698 Chandler Shop in Market Place
148 Jenkinson John Pock 1684 12-Jun Labourer 1685 May 1684 W.Anne,C. Matthew
99 Jenkinson William Pock 1684? 1684 25-Nov 1684 19-Nov Labourer £7 3 1684
53.1 Kilborn Elizabeth Pock 1698? 1698 20-Dec 1698 13-Dec Widow £8 1698
113 Lambe Mary Pock 1663 14-Apr £51 13 1663 Scollers chamber
14 Langley Peter Pock 1679 30-Jan Capt 1679 03-Mar 1679 24-Feb £46 8 1679
92 Layton Peter Pock 1680? 1680? £13 4 1680 W. Margaret? Tanner?
147 Leafe Francis Pock 1685 09-Nov Millwright 1685 19-Nov Millwright £37 3 1685 W.MaryC.Mary,Jane
144 Leafe Joseph Pock 1681? Millwright 1681 19-Apr Millwright £60 5 1681 W. Mary Lease of Clock Mill
55.2 Leaffe Mary Pock 1697? 1698 20-Dec 1697 28-Dec Widow £7 2 1697 Funeral expenses £1.10.0
171.1 Levet Anne Pock 1689 19-Feb 1690 19-Mar 1690? Widow 1690
146 Levvet Robert Pock 168? 09-Apr Innkeeper 1684 20-Feb 1684 23-Mar Innkeeper £130 7 1684 W.Ann Chamber next to beck 
56.2 Linton Alexander Pock 1694 30-Jul Yeoman 1695 10-Apr 1694 10-Sep £62 2 1694  Less Debtsof £26 W.Elizabeth C. Thomas,William,Judith (all under21)
174 Linton Elizabeth Pock 1714 06-Sep Widow £48 1714 Xerox
54 Linton Thomas Pock 1696 09-Oct Shoemaker 1697 22-May 1696 12-Nov £26 5 1696 W.Elizabeth DN says shoemaker & Innkeeper
163 Lofthouse William Pock 1680 07-Jun Labourer 1680 20-Dec 1680? £9 2 1680 Tallow Chandler C.Anne,Isobel,Margaret Cottage late Gowthorpe in Puddinggate
83 Lownsborough Marie Pock 1678?   1678 18-Sep 1678 18-Sep Widow £53 5 1678
108 Lund John Pock 1672? 1672 20-Nov 1672? 1672
40.1 Maires Andrew Pock 1704 18-Mar Barber 1705 10-Dec 1704  
115.2 Mayers Margaret Pock 1662 May £12 1662
115.1 Mayers Margaret Pock 1662 07-Apr Widow 1662? £10 4 1662
118 Mayers Ralph Pock 1660 25-Jun £16 5 1660 Blacksmith
60 Moore Christopher Pock Gent 0
13 Mudd Peter Pock 1693 30-Nov 1693 11-Dec 17 1693
100 Mudd Richard Pock 1683 15-May 1683 20-Dec 1683 18-Jun £14 8 1683 Carpenter C. Peter
32.1 Oliver Philip 1725 Jun Mercer 1725
79 Oliver William Pock 1677 06-Jul Grocer 1677 09-Jul 1677 W.Bridgett C. John, Mary,Martha
11 Otley William 1695 14-Dec 1695
47 Overend Christopher Pock 1702 21-Dec Grocer 1702 06-Feb 1702 W.Anne C. Timothy,John, George
56.1 Overend John sr Pock 1697 16-Apr Yeoman 1698 02-Feb 1697 C. John,Timothy,George,Christopher,William
41 Overend William Pock 1706 06-Jun 1706 24-Nov 1706? Grocer £381 6 1706 DN says very full inventory See?
55.1 Parthouse William Pock 1698 08-Feb Shoemaker 1698
78 Plaxton William Pock 1677 07-May 1677 06-Jul 1677 W.AnnC.James, Dorothy
155 Radcliffe John Pock 1670 11-Mar Tanner 1671 27-Mar £161 1671 Gift for Meeting at BM Quaker?
7 Redyard William pock 1551 14-Apr £218 9 1551
106 Remington Robert Pock 1670? 1670 26-Dec £1 1670
53.2 Renard Mawdlin Pock 1698? 1698 21-Dec 1698 04-Apr Widow £17 2 1698 Funeral expenses £2.18.0
138 Richardson John Pock 1664? 1664 May 1664? Blacksmith £101 1664
159.2 Richardson John 1727 17-Oct 1727 20-Feb £20 4 1727
37 Richardson Robert Pock 1721 20-Jul 1721 22-Feb 1721 05-Oct Grocer £99 5 1721
162 Richardson Thomas Pock 1668? Skinner 1669 03-Feb 1668 01-Feb £60 1668
180 Richardson? William Pock 1729 23-Feb £60 1729 Xerox shop mentioned
122.3 Rickall Elizabeth Pock 1698? 1698
171.2 Rickall Robert Pock 1714 Butcher 1714
122.1 Rickall Robert Pock 1714 Butcher 1714 Elder brother Matthew, House in Chapmangate
171.4 Rickall William Pock 1714 Labourer   1714 House in Chapmangate
76.1 Robinson Mary Pock 1674 15-Dec Widow 1677 02-Nov 1674 Witness Jane Belt
116.1 Robson Margaret Pock 1661 Jun Widow 1662? £14 1662 C. Thomas, Elizabeth
95 Russell Robert Pock 1685? 1686 10-Mar 1686 04-Mar £81 9 1686 Innkeeper
76.2 Saidie Stephen Pock 1677? 1677 15-Sep 1677? 17-Oct £8 4 1677
94 Sandy Margaret Pock 1680 25-Dec 1680? Widow £14 3 1680 C. Robert Robson, Anne Ridsdale,Issabella Sandy
Scaife John Pock 1680? 1680
16 Scorbrough Alice Pock 1669 07-Oct Widow 1669 20-Oct £31 8 1669 Died 1 sep 1704
135 Seamer Christopher Pock 1700? 1701 19-Oct 1700 02-Apr £367 5 1700
84 Seamer Hammon Pock 1678 12-Sep Yeoman 1678 03-Mar 1678 £269 3 1678 C. Christopher, John.William
164 Seamer John Pock 1680 27-Feb 1680 21-Mar 1680 14-Mar Batchelor £77 1680
29 Silburn Philip Pock 1728 03-Dec 1728 26-Dec Butcher £124 6 1728 Butcher & Pub Appraisers Geo Overend,Gregory Nicholson,Thos Scaife, Thos Y?
172 Silburn Robert BM 1613 12-Sep 1613
52 Silburne James Pock 1699 27-Apr Yeoman 1699? 1699 02-May £71 3 1699 C.Philip,James.Ann Silburn
66 Smeathman Thomas Pock 1692 £48 6 1692
128 Smith Martin Pock 1679? 1679 06-May 1679? £23 2 1679 Weaver
50.2 Staveley Mary Pock 1700 11-Jan 1703 18-Oct 1703 £28 1703
90 Stavely Thomas Pock 1681? 1681 09-May 1681? £90 4 1681 W.Suzanne?
17 Stavely William Pock 1670? 1670 7 1670
88.2 Stephenson Isabel Pock 1681? 1681 09-May 1681? £2 1681
50.1 Straker Thomas Pock 1699? 1699 07-Mar 1699 09-Mar £5 2 1699
111 Stringer Robert Pock 1680 07-Jan 1681 07-Jan 1681 31-Jan Weaver £19 1681 C.George,Robert,Mary,Isabell
166 Sugden John Pock 1699 08-Sep £0 1699
12 Sutton Robert Pock 1693 18-Dec Draper £208 1693 2 long pages of goods in the shop
130 Swabie William Pock 1693? 1693 16-Dec 1693? £13 2 1693 W.Elizabeth 
20 Tate William Pock 1667 Dec 1667 25-Nov £7 3 1667
129 Taylor Edward Pock 1679? 1679 17-Nov 1679 10-Nov £8 1 1679 Skinner W.Anne 
35.2 Teasdale Henry Pock Admin 1721 07-Dec 1721 Admin Bond 7.12.1721
125.1 Thompson Alexander Pock 1664 02-Feb £21 2 1664 Including goods in the shop £45
105 Thompson Anne Pock 1668? 1668 09-Sep Widow £30 2 1668
23 Thompson George Pock 1665 13-Sep 1665? Labourer £8 3 1665
153 Waterworth John Pock 1676? 1676 15-Apr 1676 29-Mar £37 4 1676 Shoemaker/skinner? WMary?,C.Henry,John Matthew,Robert,Anne,Mary
49 Watson John Pock 1704? 1704 06-Apr 1704 03-Apr £19 10 1704 Earlier inv 22.3.1703 £16
112 Watson Peter Pock 1681? 1681? £60 10 1681 Sadler
122.4 Weadley Joseph Millington 1714 £153 1714
33.3 Webster John Pock 1720 10-Feb 1720? Day Labourer £8 1720 Debts £9.18.0 inc Doctor 14/- C.John,William,Christopher, Thos
46.1 Welflete Catherine Pock 1704 26-Aug Spinster 1705 26-Dec 1705 Died 1Sep1704
123 Wharrum John? 1711 £31 1711
188 Whitwell John Pock 1700 22-May £33 1700 Xerox
127 Williamson John Pock 1667? 1667 24-Mar Weaver £10 3 1667 Will damaged
24 Wolfes Robert Meltonby 1688 06-Jan £309 8 1688
160.2 Young Robert Pock 1727 13-Nov 4 1727
30.1 Young Thomas Pock 1730? Yeoman 1730 01-Sep 1730 £7 2 1730