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  20th Feb 2025 - Crime & Punishment

> Pocklington Local History Group
  20th Mar 2025 - Use of Mapping

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
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The New Red Lion, The Dog & Duck,
The Station hotel
''The New Red Lion' was renamed 'The Dog & Duck' for a brief period in the early 19th Century. It reverted to being called 'The New Red Lion' after 1834. The 'New Red Lion' was renamed the 'Station Hotel' in the 1920's.
New Red Lion
The New Red Lion changed use into a Hotel, to cater for the large number of people arriving to stay in the town when the railway arrived and was later renamed 'The Station Hotel'
The Station Hotel
The Station Hotel in the early 1920's
Landlords of the Dog & Duck, The New Red Lion & The Station Hotel
1937 Kelly's Directory Station Hotel (Arth. Hy.  Todd, manager), New pavement

1933 Kelly's Directory

Station Hotel (Jn. Wm. Riggoth, propr.),New pavement
1929 Kelly's Directory Station  Hotel  (Et.  Adams,  propr.).  New  pavement
1921 Kelly's Directory Askham Walter H. New Red Lion P.H. New pavement
1919 Hull Daily Mail - Tuesday 07 January 1919 POCKLINGTON POLICE COURT. SATURDAY. Pocklington Licensee Fined.—The magistrates were engaged for several hours hearing a charge of permitting drunkenness on licensed premises, brought against Walter Hastings Askham, landlord the New Red Lion Hotel, Pocklington.— Mr H. Wray, Beverley, appeared for the prosecution, and Norman Crombie. York, defended. —Mr Wray said that on Wednesday, Dec. 4th, Supt. J. W. Robson saw four soldiers leaving the New Red Lion by the backyard door about 9.20 p.m. On getting into the street one man fell down, and all efforts his friends and the superintendent of police to get him on his legs were useless. A handcart was requisitioned, and the young soldier conveyed to the police station. Afterwards the superintendent found another of the four men laid helpless in Market-street. The military were telephoned to, and the soldier was conveyed to Millington Camp in a wheelbarrow. The other two men were able to walk there. Pte. McDougall (18), a private in the 5th Durham Light Infantry, said that his friend, Pte. Glen, had received some money, and he accompanied him the Feathers Hotel, where they had four or five small rums each. They afterwards visited the New Red Lion, where they each had a glass of beer, and then followed with four or five rums, he felt all right until he went into the fresh air, when he fell down.-—-Both advocates agreed that there was scarcity of rum at both Beverley and York the time (laughter). — Witnesses were called to prove there was nothing in the conduct of the men in the hotel to lead on to think they the worse for liquor. The men left the house about 8.45, and were seen leave the yard about 9.20.—The magistrates fined defendant £5 and costs.
1913 Kelly's Directory Askham Walter H. New Red Lion P.H. New pavement
1909 Kelly's Directory Askham Walter, New Red Lion P.H. New pavement
1905 Kelly's Directory Simpson   Laura  E.   (Mrs.),   New  Red Lion P.H.   New pavement
1897 Kelly's Directory Simpson Alfred, New Red Lion P.H. New pavement
1892 Bulmers Directory New Red Lion, New pavement; Alfred Simpson
1889 Kelly's Directory Simpson Alfred, New Red Lion p.h. New pavement
1879 Post Office Directory Askham Thomas, New Red Lion, New pavement
1858 Whites Directory Red Lion, (New,) Rt. Askham, Pvt
1851 Census Robert Askham, Age 36, Saddler & Innkeeper
1847 York Herald May 08 Mary Jackson vs Henry Binnington in Pocklington County Court. Mary Jackson (owner) let to Henry Binnington the New Red Lion for £18 per year and stipulating the premises should be kept in good repair. On Lady day last the tenancy was given to Robert Askham. Binnington refused to give up the tenancy but offered financial recompense.The court decided in Mary Jackson's favour ordering the defendant to pay £4 9s 6d for damages and costs. Robert Askham was awarded the tenancy.
1844 Easton's Directory Henry Binnington, New Red Lion Inn, (Owner Mrs Jackson)
1841 Census Henry Binnington, Age 60, Innkeeper
1840 White's Directory Red Lion (New,) Thos. Scaife, jun. New Pavt
1834 Piggot's Directory Red Lion, Thomas Scaife, New Pavement
1826 Beverley Archives Alehouse recognizance for Thomas Gilbertson of the 'Dog and Duck' at Pocklington
1825 Beverley Archives Alehouse recognizance for Thomas Gilbertson of the 'Dog and Duck' at Pocklington, Surety of John Jackson of Pocklington, Certificate of minister, churchwarden and principal inhabitants of Pocklington supporting application for licence of Thomas Gilbertson the younger 1 Sep 1825. Signatures: Thomas Brown minister, Thomas K Wilson John Linwood and Elisha Collinson churchwardens, Richard English and Thomas Scaife overseers, William Powell, John Catton, James Scaife
1823 Baine's Directory Dog & Duck, Rt. Hay, New pavement
1823 Beverley Archives Alehouse recognizance for Robert Hyde of the 'Dog and Duck' at Pocklington, Surety Matthew Jackson of Pocklington Tallow Chandler
1822 Beverley Archives Alehouse recognizance for Robert Hay of the 'Dog and Duck' at Pocklington, Surety Matthew Jackson of Pocklington
1787 Beverley Archives Assignment of mortgages relating to 'the New Red Lion Inn' in Pocklington. Ann Jackson, widow of Matthew Jackson, Pocklington, tallow chandler, son Matthew Jackson, Pocklington, tallow chandler
1783 Beverley Archives Confirmation of mortgage relating to 'the New Red Lion Inn' in Pocklington
1780 Beverley Archives Mortgage by way of a release to lead to uses of a fine relating to 'the New Red Lion Inn' in Pocklington

If you wish to add to the story of the New Red Lion or Station Hotel, or correct any of the above information, then please contact me.