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  June/July 2025 - Wilberfoss Walk

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  18th Sep 2025 - Pock in 1925

> Pocklington Local History Group
  16th Oct 2025 - Local WW2 Airfields

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

* 60 pages
* Fully illustrated
* Only £5.00
epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

* Peter Halkon
* Summary of
Pocklington Archaeology
* Only £5.00
Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

"A Pock History & Heritage Trail"

* 2nd edition
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* Only £4.99

People and Places Thumb Old Pock

"People and Places of Old Pocklington"

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* Only £5.99
Adieu WW1 Book

"Adieu to dear old Pock"

  * ww1 diary
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  * 246 pages

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Latest Updates
News items from 2011 on the 'Pocklington and District Local History Group' website.

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News from 2011
Aerial Photography in Local History
17th November 2011

Aerial PhotographyMike Pratt of Bishop Wilton Local History Group fascinated his audience with aerial photographs of Bishop Wilton. He showed how evidence of the medieval farming system is still clearly visible from the air. Everyone was encouraged to look for evidence in the photographs of earthworks, old trackways and sites of former buildings. Mike explained where aerial photographs can be found and encouraged Pocklington members to investigate Pocklington's history as seen from the air.

Thor Missiles at Full Sutton
20th October 2011

Thor MissilesSteven Oliver of the Bolton and Fangfoss Local History group gave an accomplished talk on the Thor Missiles which were stationed at Full Sutton Airfield in the late 1950's. His extensive and fascinating research on the cold war crisis of the early 1960's, showed how Pocklington was a possible nuclear target for Russian missiles during the Cuban Missile crisis. The secret documents he found at Kew, and now released into the public domain, show how Britain had a dual key with the US President to launch these nuclear devices on a 15 minute warning. Fascinating!

William Watson in Seaton Ross
23rd September 2011

William Watson Talk 1Andrew Sefton gave a talk on William Watson using archive material from the Treasure House in Beverley and from the research of Malcolm Young who gave help and support for the talk. The archive is a real treasure. Watson was an interesting character who was a farmer, mapmaker, sundial maker, astronomer and poet. Andrew explored his memorandum book and his penmanship book. The former a collection of random facts and trivia, giving an insight into the mind of Watson and his fascination with measurement and odd facts. His penmanship book showed his caligrWilliam Watson 2aphy skills of himself and his wide circle of friends which included Thomas Cook of Allerthorpe and Skirpenbeck, founder of Cook Instruments in York. He recorded the monumental inscriptions of churches in the area many of which have since disappeared. His Sundials are still to be found in the area with 3 fine examples still visible in Seaton Ross. His maps of Seaton Ross, Market Weighton and Pocklington are a superb legacy. Photo right below shows the people of Seaton Ross viewing his maps in the Village Hall. The event was organised by Jane Henley to raise funds in aid of the Village Hall. In the foreground is Andrew Watson a descendant of the Watson family.

*Urgent Request* - Does anyone know the whereabouts, or have the 1848  book of houses in Seaton Ross, East Riding of Yorkshire drawn by William  Watson. It was 'borrowed' from the family a few years ago and was never returned. It is an irreplacable treasure and I hope it still survives.
Do contact me if you know of it.
Wetwang History Weekend
27th-29th August 2011

Pocklington at WetwangWetwang Local History Group are a flourishing local history group, and they invited local groups to take part in their history weekend.

The main event was a photographic exhibition based on the history of Wetwang. The Pocklington History Group (photo on right) along with other local groups had a display of old photographs, maps, had books for sale and provided a summary of research.

Other Groups attending were:

Caves U3AWetwang 2
Ryedale Family History
East Yorks Local History
British Association for Local History
East Yorks Family History
Yorks Wolds Heritage Trust
Southburn Museum
High Wolds Heritage Trust

A successful event with good attendance over the three days and a superb and varied display of old photographs was a credit to the Wetwang group.

Womens History Group Book Launch
August 2011

Womens History Group

The Women's History Group book called 'Ladies Largely Predominating' was launched in August 2011. Pocklington History, like the nation's history is nearly all about men and their roles. The Pocklington Women's History Group came together to focus on the history of women in Pocklington and the surrounding area.The authors from left to right, Heather Anderson, Jo Green, Sue Skelton, Sue Bond, Jane Henley and Joyce Fowler.

Farming Museum at Murton visit
2nd July 2011

Bishop Wilton visitAn outing to the Farming Museum at Murton, near York, was most interesting. A guided tour was given by a member of the museum staff, and on view was their extensive collection of old tools and implements.

After lunch, we were given full access to their extensive private library collection of books and 2,500 old photographs. A return visit is a must, and a recommended destination for any visitors to the local area.

Bishop Wilton Visit
14th June 2011

Bishop Wilton visitMike and Kate Pratt of the Bishop Wilton History Group gave the Pocklington history group a walk and a talk around Bishop Wilton, pointing out the historical landscape and culminating in a view of the ancient site of the Archbishop of York's summer palace and possible hunting lodge. It was thought to be built in the 1220's by Archbishop Walter De Grey and was believed to be in ruins by 1388. There still remains the outline of the buildings and old moat on the English Heritage preserved site.
Flying Man celebrations
21st/22nd May 2011

Flying Man 2011 (1)
Flying Man 2011 (3)

Street Fun!

Bernard Ross with his impressive
model of Pocklington Airfield.
Flying Man 2011 (3)
Flying Man 2011 (4)
Attendence was excellent!
One of the 2011 Flying Men
Flying Man 2011 (5)
Flying Man 2011 (6)
Bacon Butties - Yum!
The History Group display with the Parish Register which contains the Flying Man.
Pilgrimage of Grace
19th May 2011

Pilgrimage of GracePhil Gilbank gave an accomplished presentation of the Pilgrimage of Grace in Pocklington church. Phil covered how the protest rebels came into Pocklington in October 1536. His background research and volume of facts gave the audience an insight into the minds of the Yorkshire people, from all sectors of society, who were very unhappy at the changes taking place in the religious structures of tudor society. Phil and Grahame Hicks ended the talk by explaining how the Pocklington and Wolds Gateway partnership are putting together a lottery bid to promote the tourism of the area with walks and cycle paths and display boards in the area using the routes taken by the pilgrim rebels of 1536.
AGM & mini talks
14th April 2011

AGM 2011The AGM kicked off with a Jo Green giving a summary of a very successful year for the group, followed by treasurers report from Peter Green explaining about the healthy state of our finances mainly due to book sales. Roger Bellingham administered the election of officers. All the previous committee indicated they wished to be re-elected, and all were unanimously voted back on. Jo indicated her wish to carry on in the chair for only one more year. Interesting talks followed by Roger Bellingham who outlined the research on Pocklington Backs carried out by himself and John Nottingham. Peter Green followed with a talk on the history of Pocklington allotments. Andrew Sefton concluded the meeting with a slide show of interesting photographs donated in the last year. 2011/12 Committee: Chair & Secretary– Jo Green, Treasurer – Peter Green, Archivist/Webmaster – Andrew Sefton, Committee – Alan Cartwright, Phil Gilbank, Dennis Moor, Paul Jennings, David Rumbelow, Pearl Harris and Geoff Pea. Roger Bellingham continues as Honorary President.

Ladies Night!
17th March 2011

Ladies NightYet another very well attended event was held in the old court house. The sub group set up to research the history of women in Pocklington have come to the end of their project and read out their conclusions. Many prominent ladies of the town have been studied. Talks were given by Jo Green, Sue Bond, Joyce Fowler and Sue Skelton. It is hoped that a booklet will be published as a conclusion to the project, and a report to the heritage lottery fund who helped to sponsor the research.
War Walk
13th March 2011

On Sunday 13th March, and as part of the 'Walkers are Welcome' weekend, the Pocklington and District Local History Group led a walk which looked at the effects on the WW2 on the town.  It was led by Peter Green, with valuable input from Jim Ainscough. The walk covered many parts of the town that were relevant to the war, and then made its way around part of the Airfield, and called at the Gliding Club.
A short tour of the club and the memorial, was given by Colin Stevens, and the walk was completed by a visit to the cemetery, where several Airmen are buried.War Walk1War Walk 2

Railway Talk was a 'lock-out' !
17th February 2011

David WalfordA talk on the railways with particular empasisis on the Hull-York line was given by author David Walford. So many people turned up that the group had to lock its doors to prevent over crowding. The obvious interest in the subject matter was the reason. The future railway line, now being planned, may lead to a stimulation of the town in the way it did in the 1840's when the railway first arrived in Pocklington.

William Watson map and sundial maker
20th January 2011

William Watson mapmakerThe life and work of William Watson from Seaton Ross was the subject of a talk by Andrew Sefton. He was brought up in Seaton Ross on the estate of the Maxwells of Everingham and learned the art of land surveying from his father, a collector of land taxes for the Maxwells. He was a farmer, astronomer and maker of sundials. His circle of local astronomer friends included Thomas Cooke, and his collection of diaries and notebooks are a remarkable legacy, as are his superb and detailed maps of Seaton Ross, Market Weighton and his two impressive maps of Pocklington. William died in 1857 and is buried in Seaton Ross churchyard where his sundial sits on the front of the church.

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