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> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
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  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

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  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

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  10th May 2025 - VE day celebrations

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  June/July 2025 - Wilberfoss Walk

> Pocklington Local History Group
  18th Sep 2025 - Pock in 1925

> Pocklington Local History Group
  16th Oct 2025 - Local WW2 Airfields

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

* 60 pages
* Fully illustrated
* Only £5.00
epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

* Peter Halkon
* Summary of
Pocklington Archaeology
* Only £5.00
Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

"A Pock History & Heritage Trail"

* 2nd edition
* 27 pages
* Old photos
* Only £4.99

People and Places Thumb Old Pock

"People and Places of Old Pocklington"

* 40 pages
* Old photos
* Only £5.99
Adieu WW1 Book

"Adieu to dear old Pock"

  * ww1 diary
  * 53 profiles
  * Local News
  * 299 soldiers
  * 246 pages

PDLHG Newsletters
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Latest Updates
News items from 2010 on the 'Pocklington and District Local History Group' website.

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News from 2010
History of Costume and book launch!
18th November 2010

CostumeCopies of the new book "The People and Places of Old Pocklington" were snapped up by the attendees of the November meeting. It is full of up to 80 old photographs of Pocklington.

Janet Tierney gave a slide show on 19th and early 20th century costume from ERYC museums service. Examples of clothes were brought and a clear description of ladies changing fashions meant it would be possible to date old photographs using a knowledege of the fashions of the time.

Pocklington At War
14th October 2010

Jim AinscoughMargaret AinscoughJim and Margaret Ainscough, with help from members of the U3A, have written a superb book on the town of Pocklington in the last War. They both gave presentations on various aspects of the war. The population of Pocklington doubled, and Jim and Margaret related many vivid stories taken from the living memories of Pocklington people they had interviewed, together with a slide show of pictures from the time. A memorable evening and their book is an essential read.
Heritage Weekend
11th/12thth Sep 2010

An exhibition called "Discovering Pocklington Families" was held on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September. A number of parish records were available to view including some original parish registers which the Rev. Geoffrey Hollingsworth had borrowed back from the Borthwick Institute Archives. The original entries to the registers made at the time of the Civil War and the record made of the death of the" Flying Man". Other items which has not been seen before included a map showing how land was allocated at the time of the Enclosure Award in 1759. Members of the public were invited to bring any documents they have which shed light on the history of Pocklington families and included a display of the Buttle family archive. There were short guided tours of the Church memorials by Phil Gilbank and also tours up the church tower.
sep11 01
sep 11 02
John Nottingham and Roger Bellingham authors of the new Pocklington Enclosure Award Map of 1759
The Exhibition was held in the Barwick Aisle
sep 11 03
sep 11 04
Looking up old records
Still popular on Sunday.
Devonshire Mill Visit
26th July 2010

Sue and Chris Bond kindly opened their home for a fascinating evening tour of the old Devonshire Mill. It is thought to date from 1808 when a deed mentions local surgeon John Bell of the Oak house, who later went bankrupt. The main part of the building may have coincided with the demolition of Londesborough Hall in 1819 when the Duke of Devonshire wanted save money to make alterations to Chatsworth. Timbers used to support the heavy workings are said to have come from the Londesborough estate - hence the name Devonshire Mill. Timothy Overend was an early miller and was involved in the Pocklington Canal construction as an outlet for the flour from the mill. Anthony Blanshard was miller in 1841 was then followed by the main family who developed the Mill. Henry Cains moved from Clock mill in 1848 and added steam power. In 1891 his son Henry Parkin Cains took over, and kept the mill going until the 1950's. Sue and Chris arrived in 1992 to find an old derelict building and by their determined effort they have transformed it into a beautiful home and deserve much credit for the way they have preserved the heritage of the old mill.
Pocklington History Group meet at Devonshire Mill
Devonshire Mill 2
Sue and Chris Bond meet the group
The old mill wheel is still visible and was
cast at the Albion Foundry in Pocklington (where Kay & Backhouse were in New St.)
Devonshire Mill 2
Devonshire Mill 3
Much of the old mill working machinery
still survives
Pocklington beck still flows under the building.
Kilnwick Percy Visit
24th June 2010

Phil Gilbank led the charge in June up Chapel Hill to visit the site of the possible deserted Medieval Village, and then afterwards to Kilnwick Percy to visit the old mansion house of the Anderson's, Denison's and the Duncombe's. Phil described in his usual, highly detailed syle, the history of Kilnwick Percy and gave a fascinating tour of the old church, which has now been deconsecrated, and which has an uncertain future. Phil was a church warden at Kilnwick Percy church for many years, as his family farmed nearby.
Chapel Hill Walk
Kilnwick Percy 1
Chapel Hill - was it so named because a Chapel was located there?.
Phil describes the history of the building
Kilnwick 2
Kilnwick Percy 3
Admiral Arthur Duncombe, who for many
years lived at Kilnwick Percy Hall.
b. 24 March 1806, d. 6 February 1889
Kilnwick Percy Church was a Chapel
of Ease to Pocklington Church.
Bielby Visit
27th May 2010

In May, our meeting was held at Bielby with a guided tour of the church and village by John Peel. The recently renovated outside of the church has now revealed remnants of the old inner aisles. John rang the bells (avoiding the pun!), which are amongst the oldest in Yorkshire. One dates from the 1300's and it was remarkable to hear the same sounds that have been heard in the village for the last 700 years! A tour of the village followed with a walk to the old mill, and a discussion on the old, recently discovered map of 1613, was held in the College Arms over a pint and a roaring fire.
Bielby Tour 1
Bielby Toour 2
John Peel describes the Norman doorway . The pillars of an old aisle are visible
Bielby 1741 brick Bielby brick side
An old brick found in Bielby by Richard Coe says on it: "This brick was made 18 May 1741 by Wm Morrill"
A handmade brick of 2 inch depth.
More on bricks here and here
2010 AGM
22nd April 2010

AGM 2010_1 The third AGM of the Pocklington and District Local History Group included AGM business and officer reports, election of officers and a talk from Phil Gilbank'. All officers were re-elected. The accounts showed a healthy surplus and thanks were expressed to Jo for her work on the Lottery Grant application and to Andrew for his work on the website and who also showed latest information & old photos which have been donated to the group. Jo concluded it had been a most successful year. The committee were re-elected; Chair – Jo Green, Secretary – vacant, Treasurer – Peter Green, Archivist/Webmaster – Andrew Sefton, Committee – Alan Cartwright, Phil Gilbank, Dennis Moor, Paul Jennings, David Rumbelow, Pearl Harris and Geoff Pea. Roger BellinAGM 2010_2gham continues as Honorary President. Jo appealed for a volunteer for the position of Secretary with no takers. Please contact Jo if you are willing to help.

Phil Gilbank went on to give a most fascinating talk on the location of Pocklington's Manor House. He showed Watson's maps and old newspaper clippings and other manor houses in the area. The conclusion was it may still be there, albeit in a much altered form.

Barmby Moor Exhibition
10th April 2010

Pocklington and District Local History group held an exhibition in Barmby Moor Village Hall of old photographs of the village as well as displaying the metal detector finds of Bernard Ross. The exhibition was sponsored by the Heritage Lottery 'Awards for All' which gave the group a grant for equipment to help with the promotion of local history in the district. A successful day was had with many visitors leaving favourable comment about the day.
Some visitors brought old photographs for scanning: Barmby Moor School in 1937 and Barmby Moor School in 1952 are examples.
Barmby Moor Exhbition 1
Barmby Moor Exhibition 2
Bernard Ross stands near the display . Ray Wilkinson remembers the Zeppelin Raid
Barmby Moor Exhibition 3 Barmby Moor Exhibition 4
Interest in old photos and scanner ready A rolling slide show using the group projector
Last 65 Years Workshop
18th Feb 2010

Corner CafeThe last 65 years workshop relied upon peoples memories of Pocklington. There were many stories recalled about Pocklington's past shops, Fish and Chip Shops, industries, the cooperative cricket teams. The evening started with a list of topics to discuss and the room split into 3 groups. Recollections of people and events were related. Some brought photographs which included a set of Aerial Photographs which were taken in 1988 from a glider flight. It is remarkable just how quickly that Pocklington has changed and is still changing now.

Here is one of the photographs brought along to the evening. It is a picture of the staff of Corner Cafe. From Left to right is Mrs Crabrete?, Elsie Gelder and Phyllis Howbrig.
Church Updates
3rd January 2010

The Church Records section has been upgraded with more information. A useful article appeared in the 1898 Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, Volume 14, by Alex. D.H. Leadman. I have extracted most of this article into different sections. Leadman's description of Pocklington Church includes a review of the Sotheby monument. Leadman goes on to look at the church monumental inscriptions, some of which have since disappeared since the article was written. Pocklington Parish Record abstracts are particularly interesting, Leadman has extracted some good examples.

A full list of known Pocklington Vicars is included, and we are fortunate to have a photograph of all Vicars since 1840. Next is a list of the various Charities set up to help the poor of the parish. Old Church documents has information on old Pocklington families and some descriptions of early property in the town. Although Heraldry is a very specialised area in historical research, it can give clues as to the various important families in the area going back to very early times.

The last of the local inns have been included and the Wellington Oak at Canal head provided refreshment to the workers on the Pocklington Canal.

A newspaper reference on the 1840 Gala day is an interesting insight into the celebrations of the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert. Following last months page on Yapham School in 1929, another school photograph was submitted for Yapham school in 1925.

Past News Stories
News Stories from 2016
News Stories from 2015
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News Stories from 2012
News Stories from 2011
News Stories from 2010
News Stories from 2009
News Stories from 2008
News Stories from 2007