> The 2025 AGM & Talk
> Crime and Punishment
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2024)
> The Sothebys
> Pocklington and the Sea
> Historical Horrors
> Allerthorpe Walk
> D-Day talk
> The 2024 AGM & Talk
> 18th Century Pocklington
> Two Short Talks
> Pocklington Heritage Festival (2023)
> Old Shops part 2
> Pocklington Dist. Heritage Trust
  28th Mar 2025 - Revealing the shield

> Pocklington Local History Group
  30th Apr 2025 - William Etty

> Pocklington Local History Group
  10th May 2025 - VE day celebrations

> Pocklington Local History Group
  June/July 2025 - Wilberfoss Walk

> Pocklington Local History Group
  18th Sep 2025 - Pock in 1925

> Pocklington Local History Group
  16th Oct 2025 - Local WW2 Airfields

Market Place Market Place
Note the new building in the photo on the corner.
Regent Street Regent Street
Note the 'Old Red Lion Hotel'
Chapmangate Chapmangate
Note the independent chapel built in 1807 to the left.
Woldgate History Woldgate History

"A History of Woldgate School"

* 60 pages
* Fully illustrated
* Only £5.00
epp Exploring Pocklington's Past

* Peter Halkon
* Summary of
Pocklington Archaeology
* Only £5.00
Heritage Trail Heritage Trail

"A Pock History & Heritage Trail"

* 2nd edition
* 27 pages
* Old photos
* Only £4.99

People and Places Thumb Old Pock

"People and Places of Old Pocklington"

* 40 pages
* Old photos
* Only £5.99
Adieu WW1 Book

"Adieu to dear old Pock"

  * ww1 diary
  * 53 profiles
  * Local News
  * 299 soldiers
  * 246 pages

PDLHG Newsletters
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#2 Dec 2020
#3 May 2021

Latest Updates
News items from 2007 on the 'Pocklington and District Local History Group' website.

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News from 2007
Maps Workshop
19th November 2007

Alan Pugh gives a talk about his father The Map on the right is Jeffries map of Pocklington for 1770. This was one of the maps examined and discussed on Monday last. About 40 people attended our first workshop. Andrew Sefton projected various old maps on to the screen and everyone made contributions about their own house, or features to be seen on the maps. Old field names such as 'Smelling Gap Close' and old street names like Hungate and Finkle Street were discussed, We even found 'Worms Lane' that someone was looking for. A most fascinating evening that we must repeat again.

The story of a pilot who flew from Pocklington Airfield
15th October 2007

Alan Pugh gives a talk about his father Alun Pugh's father Dei was a Halifax bomber pilot and was stationed at Pocklington for the last 2 years of the war. In that time he was to fly ops to Europe, ditch in the North sea and lose 4 of his crew. He also met Marie-a WAAF at Pocklington whom he married. Alun read from his diaries that Dei recorded at the time. His exploits are also recorded in several books. Alun brought Memorabilia and the war diaries for display. Also on display was a superb map of Pocklington Airfield in the war which shows the location and function of every building and has been donated to the group. An interesting evening was enjoyed by all.

Further Updates!
23rd September 2007

Another trade directory Pigots 1834 , and Phil Gilbank has written two more of his biographies on Pocklington and district prominent people. Firstly, Joseph Terry, famous founder of the Terry's Chocolate factory in York, was a Pocklington lad. Thomas Cooke was son of a Pocklington shopkeeper and born in Allerthorpe. He was a telescope maker, and founder of the famous Cooke Instruments (later to become Vickers Instruments) in York. Pocklington Hiring Fair was a colourful event! Read the fascinating tales about what went on!
Heritage Day Exhibition
8th September 2007

On Saturday 8th September, Pocklington and District Local History Group held a local history exhibition of old photographs and memorabilia. Andrew Sefton provided photographs for the display and Dennis Moor set out many of his collection of old bottles, clay pipes and old electrical items. Also on display were the Congregational Church records dating back to 1856, the Pocklington Council Burial records and some items loaned by the Pocklington Post. Some old photographs were brought and were scanned and returned. A good number of people attended, one had even travelled 150 miles!, and everyone seemed to enjoy the day.
Heritage Day 1 Heritage Day 2
Old Photos drew a lot of interest.

Engrossed! - old documents, and newspapers

Heritage Day 3 Heritage Day 4
Dennis Moor & his extensive collection A running slide show was well received

New Updates!

1st September 2007

I have updated the website with a lot of new material. Three trade directories Kelly's 1889, Bulmers 1892, Kelly's 1937 a profile on the Pocklington photographer Michael Tayleure, an extent of 1260, The Enclosures Act of 1757, The Dolman Act of 1765, the Domesday Book entry and histories of all the surrounding villages in the district. Please feel free to contribute to the site with any research. The idea is to build a history of the town through Pocklington History Group member research .

Group visit to Pocklington Church
9th July 2007

Visit to Pocklington Church In July, we had a group visit to Pocklington church with an excellent talk and tour given by the rector of Pocklington Church, Chris Simmonds. The highlight of the evening was a walk up to the top of the tower with superb views of the surrounding countryside.

First Official Group Meeting
April 11th 2007

First Official Group Meeting A welcome was made by June Malcom (Mayor of Pocklington) who started the creation of the committee. A constitution was adopted and membership was to be no charge but with a small charge at the door to cover costs. Andrew Sefton invited Roger Bellingham to become President of the group and give the first talk to the group on Record Sources for Pocklington. The next committee meeting will decide a programme and plan of action for the forthcoming year.

The committee was voted in and consists of:

Chairman – Jo Green
Secretary – Alan Cartwright (temporary)
Treasurer – Peter Green
Archivist/Webmaster – Andrew Sefton
Committee – Hilary Angle, Rowan Blake-James, David Bowman, Phil Gilbank, Dennis Moor, Paul Jennings, Jeff Shepherd

Preliminary Committee Formed
February 28th 2007

After the two meetings, 11 members interested in forming a Local History Group Committee attended a preliminary meeting, and created a constitution for the group. Election of officers and the constitution will be ratified at the first Group Meeting On the 11th April.
Second Group Meeting
February 19th 2007

Due to the overwhelming numbers that attended the first meeting, a repeat presentation was given by Andrew Sefton of old cine film and photographs. Around 50-60 people attended, again demonstrating the interest in local history in Pocklington.
Pocklington History Launched!
February 18th 2007

After months of work and development, the Pocklington History website is finally here. Hopefully everything is working as it should - So far you will find a few finished articles for reading while I upload further content, and a gallery of old photographs. Most importantly, however, the contact page is up and running, so I'll be expecting some more information, photos and articles to come through...
First History Group Meeting
January 15th 2007

A meeting was organized by Jo Green and Andrew Sefton to gauge the interest in starting a local history group in Pocklington. Andrew Sefton gave a talk on “Old Views of PFirst Pocklington history group meetingocklington” which included many old photographs and cine film of Pocklington as it was in 1959. In view of the huge numbers who turned up on the night (about 70), we arranged to run another showing on the 19th February in the Old Court House in George Street. Already submissions have been received which included a school photo from Pocklington the Church of England School from 1910 with all the names! Also, we have received tape recordings of old residents of Pocklington going back to the 1970’s. All material is gratefully received and will be preserved for the future by digitally copying to prevent deterioration. Original material will be kept for a possible future museum or submitted to Beverley Archives.
Past News Stories
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News Stories from 2007