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Market Place Market Place
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Regent Street Regent Street
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Chapmangate Chapmangate
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Pocklington and District Floral and Horticultural Society - 1926

This report was from the Hull Daily Mail - Thursday, 12 August, 1926.

Hull Daily Mail - Thursday, 12 August, 1926.




The fifth annual post-war show of the Pocklington and District Floral and Horticultural Society was held on Wednesday, when average entries brought forward a capital display all sections. The heavy rain that fell throughout the day affected the attendance. Flowers were beautiful display all classes and vegetable and fruit exhibits were of a high order Society are fortunate having as president Major P. M. Stewart, Burnby Hall, who takes an active interest the show and was a successful exhibitor. The large and energetic committee spare no effort increase the popularity of the show, and the secretarial reins were handled A. H. Todd.


Fuchsia: 1, W. Mennell; 2, J. W. Curtis.
Foliage plant: 1, Major P. M. Stewart; 2, W. Mennell.
Plant in bloom: 1, Mrs E. Tinson, 2, H. Tinson.
Zonal geranium: 1, H. Tinson; 2, Mrs Dobson.
Tuberous begonias: 1, Tinson; 2, Mrs E. Tinson.
Exotic fern: 1, Major Stewart; 2, H. Tinson.

Cut Flowers.
Roses (distinct): 1. J, Turner: 2, H. Hotham.
Dahlias: 2, H. Tinson (Yapham Mill).
Cactus dahlias: 1, H. Tinson; 2, Mrs J. Johnson (Yapham).
Collarette: 2, Mr. McCloy (Barmby Moor).
Pom pom dahlias: 2, H. Tinson.
Gladioli: 1, H. Hotham; 2, J. Robson.
Asters: 1, J. Layfield; 2, K. Young.
Asters (six): 1, E. Gordon; 2, F. Coulson.
Border carnations: 1, R. D. Gray; 2, W. Forth.
Violas: 1, J. Turner; 2, C. Turner.
Pansies: 1, F. Martin; 2, H. Tinson.
Bunches sweet peas: 1, H. Hotham; 2, K. Hotham.
Vases Sweet peas: 1, K. Hotham; 2, H. Hotham.
Carnations: 2, H. Hotham.
Annuals: 1, H. Hotham; 2. J. Robson.
Herbacious: 1, J. Lovell; 2, W. Glossop.
Bouquet: 1, J. E. Johnson; 2, Major Stuart.
African marigolds: 1, H. Hotham; 2, E. Young.
French marigolds: 1, H. Hotham; 2, E. Young.
Antirrhinums: 1, H. Hotham; 2, Major Stuart.
Stocks: 1, J. Robson; 2, G. Pratt (Smylett Hall).
Zinnias: 1, J. Robson; 2, Hotham.

PlumS: 1, H. Tinson; 2, Major Stuart.
Pears. 1, H. Tinson; 2, W. Suggitt.
Dessert apples: 1, Captain A. V. Hessel: 2, Major Stuart.
Cooking apples: 1, T. H. Fawcett; 2, Major Stuart.
Red gooseberries: 1, F. G. Cains: 2, E. H. Cains.
White gooseberries: 1, J. Turner; 2, F. G. Cains.
Redcurrants: 2, F. G. Cains.
Blackcurrants: 2, F. G Cains.
Collection of fruit: Major Stuart.

Tomatoes: 1, F. Coulson; 2, W. Mennell.
Cucumbers: 1, J. Layfield; 2, J. Robson.
Turnips: 1, W. Young; 2, Captain Hessel.
Marrows: 1, Major Stuart; 2, W. Forth.
White potatoes: 1, F. Martin; 2, G. Richardson; 3, S. Richardson.
White kidney: 1, W. Young; 2, F. Martin (Barmby Moor).
Red kidney potatoes: 1, G. Richardson 2, S. Richardson.
Spring onions: 1, W. Forth; 2, G. Walker.
Winter onions: 1, W. Young; 2, W. Forth.
Carrots: 1, Richardson; 2, J. Jackson (Barmbv).
Beet: 1, T. Wilson; 2, W. Young.
Peas: 1, J. Lovell; 2, W. Young.
Broad beans: 1, Major Stuart; 2, F. G. Cains.
French beans: 1, W. Young; 2, Captain Hessel.
Scarlet runners: 1, T. Wilson; 2, Captain Hessel.
Cos lettuce: 1, H. Hotham; 2, J. Eastwood.
Cabbage lettuce: 1, C. McCloy; 2, G. Walker.
Cauliflowers: 1, W. Young; 2, R. Cliffe.
Cabbages: 1, G. Moor; 2, J. Lovell.
Red cabbage: 1, G. Moor; 2, J. Jobson.
Shallots: 1, Mouncey; 2, G. Moor.
Collection of vegetables: 1, W. Suggitt; 2, Major Stuart.
Leeks: 2, K. Hotham.
Celery: 1, Captain Hessel; 2, H. Hotham.

Fuschia: 2, K. Hotham.
Plant in bloom: 1, J. Lovell; 2, K. Hotham.
Foliage plant: 1, J. Lovell; 2, K. Hotham.
Geranium: 2, J. Lovell.
Annuals: Hotham; 2, J. Hotham.
Gladioli: 1, J. Hotham; 2, K. Hotham.
Asters: 1, E. Gordon; 2, K. Hotham.
Roses: 1, G. Walker; 2, J. Lovell.
Dahlias: 1, J. Lovell: 2, G. Pratt.
Antirrihinums: 1, K. Hotham; 2, J. Hotham.
Sweet peas: 1, K. Hotham; 2, A. Nelson.

Cooking apples: 1, G. Walker; 2, Miss Pinkney.
Dessert apples: 1, G. Walker; 2, L. Martin.
Plums: 1, J. Lovell; 2, G. Walker.
White gooseberries: 1, F. G. Cains; 2, E. H. Cains.
Red gooseberries: 1, E. H. Cains; 2, F. G. Cains.
Black currants: 2, F. G. Cains.

Cabbage: 1, H. Cains; 2, J. Lovell.
Red cabbage: 2, W. Suggitt.
Cauliflowers: 1, E. Gordon; 2, J. Lovell.
Broad beans: 1, F. G. Cains; 2, H. Skinner.
Kidney beans: 1, F. Martin; 2, H. Cains.
Peas: 1, G. Pratt; 2, G. Walker.
Onions: 1, J. Lovell; 2, W. Forth.
Eschallots: 1, T. Lazenby: 2, J. Lovell.
Beet: 1, T. Wilson; 2, W. Suggitt.
Round potatoes: 1, G. Richardson: 2, W. H. Nelson.
Kidney potatoes: 1, T. Lazenby; 2, G. Richardson.
Collection vegetables: 1, E. Gordon; 2, J. Lovell.

Red wheat: 1, R. L. English; 2, C. H. Ogle (Yapham).
White wheat: 1, C. H. Ogle; 2, E. Hopwood.
Black oats: 1, C. H. Ogle; 2, R. L. English.
White oats: 1, C. H. Ogle; 2, J. Jackson.
Barley: 1, R. L. English; 2, Captain Hessel.
Swedes: 1, G. Mouncy 2, C. H. Ople.
Turnips: 1, H. Fawcett 2, S. Richardson (Catton Park).
Mangolds: 1, G. Richardson; 2, S. Richardson.
Carrots: 1, C. Ogle: 2, S. Richardson.
Beans: 1, R. B. Fawcett.

White eggs: 1, G. Moor; 2, J. Jobson.
Blake eggs: 2, Mrs J. E. Jackson.
Butter: 1, Mrs Johnson; 2. Mrs J. E. Johnson.
Honey (jars): 1, H. Mennell: 2, A. McCloy.
Honey (sections): 1, H. Mennell 2. W. Cooper.
White loaf: 1, Mrs J. E. Johnson; 2, J. Frear.
Brown loaf: 2, Mrs J. E. Johnson.
Spice loaf: 1, Mrs J. Frear; 2, Mrs Jobson.