A group wedding photo taken outside Alma Terrace, Kirkland Street, Pocklington between Victoria May Snow and Evelyn Leonard Thornham -- a drainage clerk of Pocklington -- in 1919. Alfred and Hannah Hanley is 2nd and 3rd from right second row --but for many years he has sought to discover the identifty of the man standing behind Alfred. Can anyone help? An email from Ken Hanley thinks his grandmother is on the photo (Florence Hanley nee Walker) the 3rd from the left on the back row.
Link back to Hanley Family Page.
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Edith Fussey on front row far right at her daughter's ( Victoria Alice May) wedding in Pocklngton 1919 . Directly behind her is one of her other daughters ( Hannah ) with her husband -Alfred Hanley on her left ( 2nd from right). Evelyn Thornton is the groom . Other family members are a) Annie Snow ( May's sister) between may and Edith b) immediately behind May and Annie I believe is another sister --Sally(sarah) and on her left I believe is Sally's Husband --Henry Webb Catlin .On his left I believe is May's sister in law ( William Richard Snow's spouse -Edith Hartley . William Richard ( Dick Snow) I do not think appears to be in the photo. Finally the man standing behind Alfred Hanley I suspect could be Mays' elder brother John Snow who did not marry until 1922. So all Edith children-except William Richard appear to be in the photo .
Above text ref: Ancestry User: hanleyp124